Friday, November 30, 2012

Bulldogs Ready to Host Franklin & Marshall - Yale Bulldogs

November 30, 2012

NEW HAVEN, Conn. ? Friday, the Yale women's squash team will host Franklin & Marshall at the Brady Squash Center in a matchup of the No. 2 team in the country ? Yale ? and No. 15, in the Diplomats.

Yale is coming off of a second place finish in the Ivy Scrimmages, where the team fell to No. 5 Penn in a surprisingly Harvard-free final.? Harvard last season topped the Bulldogs in the national championship, and is currently ranked No. 1 nationally.?

In this week's matchup, Yale will pit its eight ranked players against Franklin & Marshall's five.? Of the ranked Bulldogs, seven are in the top 45, while the top Diplomat, Roxana Mead, comes in at No. 84.? Mead is joined in the rankings by teammates Halley Cruice, ranked No. 123, No. 130 Erin Golueke and No. 142 Chelsea Ross.? Last year the Diplomats finished 11-10, and this year they are off to a 2-1 start.? That loss came at the hands of No. 4 Princeton, a team the Bulldogs topped 5-4 in the Ivy Scrimmages.

On the other side, representing Yale, will be junior Millie Tomlinson at No. 2.? Since losing her first collegiate match, Tomlinson has only ever lost to Harvard's Amanda Sobhy, one of the world's best players already despite being just a sophomore.? Tomlinson is coming off of a victory in the British Premier Squash League with her hometown team of Benz Bavarian Duffield.? Also playing for the Bulldogs will be junior Kim Hay, ranked No. 6, and fellow junior Gwen Tilghman, ranked No. 24 nationally.? Senior captain Katie Ballaine is No. 28, and sophomore Shihui Mao is ranked No. 38.? No. 40 Lilly Fast, a junior, and sophomore Issey Norman-Ross, ranked No. 41, round out the pack of regulars from last season, but No. 82 Anna Harrison also impressed in limited opportunities.?

Freshman Georgia Blatchford was the only new player to participate in the Ivy Scrimmages, but the list of newcomers to the team also includes Annie Ballaine and Amanda Roberts, both freshmen.

Yale has faced Franklin & Marshall early in the squash season in three consecutive years, winning each matchup 9-0 against the Diplomats.?


Report by Calvin Bohn '14, Yale Sports Publicity.??


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Keen On? WCIT: Is This The End Of The Internet? [TCTV]

Screen Shot 2012-11-29 at 1.32.09 PMToday, the dark day Syria shut down its Internet, web freedom should be at the very forefront of all of our minds. Web freedom was also center stage earlier this week when Stanford Law School hosted an event called "Sticky WCIT: Is This The End Of The Internet." I asked several of the experts attending the event whether a WCIT meeting next week in Dubai might be a big threat to the free flow of digital information.


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Sharing knowledge on the web can be a very powerful way to establish your online presence and credibility. First, you write a thoughtful and informative article on an topic in your area of expertise. Then you submit it to e-zines to be read by the general public and possibly re-published on other web sites. Appended to the end of your article is a resource box containing a brief promotional message linking to your web site. Webmasters who wish to reprint your article on their sites are required to include your resource box along with any live links to your site. The benefit that you get from your article is two-fold. First, your article will be read by visitors to the e-zine site. If they find it helpful and interesting, they will likely visit your web site to see what else you had to offer. Second, webmasters who find your article useful to their visitors may re-publish it on their sites, giving your article additional exposure. Every time your article is re-published on a web site, you gain an additional one-way link to your site through the live link in your resource box. This adds to your link popularity and ultimately increases your search engine rankings.  As you can see, the true potential of your article lies in its ability to propagate virally in cyberspace. For your article to propagate virally, it should appeal to both readers and webmasters alike. Keep in mind that your goal is hold your readers attention long enough for them to get to the  resource box.  If your article is boring and uninformative, few people will read it beyond the first or second paragraph. Below are some pointers to consider when writing an article: 1. Give your article a catchy title. Your title is the first and often the only thing that visitors see when they skim through a list of articles on an e-zine page. Put some thought into coming up with a title that grabs the reader?s attention right away. Words like Secrets,Free, and Successful tend to attract more attention than others. 2. Your article should not read like an ad. Most people read articles to find information they can use, not to see a pitch about your products or services.  If they see your article as nothing more than a shameless act of self promotion, they?ll get turned off and hit the Back button right away.  Put yourself in the reader?s shoes. What benefits do you want to get out of reading an article?  Cater to your reader?s  interests rather than your own. 3. Offer lots of free, useful information. Following on the last tip, keep in mind that your readers are looking for specific how-to instructions to help them achieve a certain goal.  Offer lots of tangible information that is immediately useful to them. Do not lead them through hoops just to get to an order 4) Avoid gimmicks. While it may be true that a sucker is born every minute, most internet users are sophisticated enough to tell what?s legitimate and what?s not. Write with the intention of offering something substantial to the reader. Be honest and forthright. Your article should not cause the reader to think, What is this guy trying to sell me? 5) Be succinct. Get to the point quickly, preferably in the first or second paragraph. Avoid lengthy paragraphs. Use lots of white space to separate your paragraphs to make them easier to read. 6) Your article should not be too short. Certainly, it?s possible to write a good article packed with useful information using just a couple hundred words. If your article is too short, however, some webmasters may feel hesitant to reprint it on their sites. They may, instead, borrow your ideas and write their own articles, gaining authorship without having to give you credit for your ideas. How long should your article be?  I suggest at least 500 words, preferably longer.  Longer articles give webmasters the impression that you have put some time and effort into your work and, thus, are deserving of being reprinted on their sites. 7) Use live (clickable) links in your resource box. Many e-zines permit clickable links in  resource boxes. Yet, many authors forgo this privilege by simply spelling out their URLs. Whenever permitted, you should spell out your URL as well as make it clickable (e.g. The advantages of a clickable URL are, (1) readers can go to your site simply by clicking on it,  and more importantly, (2) search engines will be able to record the ezine page containing your article as a link your web site, adding to your link popularity and search engine rankings. 8) Avoid hyping in your resource box. Your resource box, while promotional in nature, should be brief and tasteful. The purpose of your resource box is not to sell your readers something, but to lead them to your website which does the actual selling. Your resource box should contain your name, your company name, a brief description of your products or services, your web site?s URL, and a clickable link to your site. 9) Put some thought and effort into your writing. E-zines have varying standards for accepting articles, and some accept and publish all submissions without any human review at all. However, this does not mean you should write an article just for sake of having it published somewhere. If your article comes off as half-baked, readers may make a similar assumption about you and your business practices

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Vito Schnabel: Dating Demi Moore?!?

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Her hand trembled as she gripped the arrow that was invisible to the human she loved.
Tears leaked from her eyes as he held her close, and she held the arrow, point first behind his back.
He knew what was coming, but was sure it would seal their fate together. He was so wrong.
Her face stayed blank, her mouth silent despite the tears falling freely from her eyes as she drove the arrow through her love's heart.
It disappeared into him, and he suddenly jerked back. The strong, all-consuming love he felt for her suddenly gone and replaced with impossibly strong hate, he bitterly shoved her away and left her crumpled on the floor, collapsed within herself.

The Archers

Every century or so, there is a a new archer. Archers are a beautifully, shattered, broken, cursed species. As legend goes, an angel was gifted with love. It was impossible for the other angels not to love and cherish the young girl. But she wanted real, undying devotion. She fell in love with a human.

After years of trying, she made me perfect arrow infused with her own blood. Love. If shot, the person and the next person they saw or touched would become soulmates. She shot the human, thinking he would fall in love with her, but it had the opposite affect. She was being punished for being so selfish- because she used the arrow on herself, God made the human reject the beautiful angel's love, and instead fall in love with another human. She rejected God, ripping out her own wings then killing the human and his lover. The only reason the selfish, vain angel didn't kill herself was because she carried his child.

Of corse, she was harshly punished. Her child, and all her descendants were cursed to have the same fate as her. All would be female. Falling in love with a human, shooting them with an arrow, eventually ripping out their own wings and murdering the man they so loved, and giving birth to his daughter and dying in childbirth. And so the cycle repeats, on an endless, bloody, terrible loop.

Eventually, the angels developed. Changed. They were no longer as vain as their ancestor, even though they knew they would face the same fate as her. They had pure souls. They created more arrows, shooting alone, empty souls and filling them with love and light for another human. They worked on angels, too, but not an angel and a human. After all, relationships between angels and humans were strictly forbidden.

But on to our story. The latest generation was different. Twins were born. One male, one female. Both were the most amazing archers seen- with completely equal power. As the female grows, they know she will face the same fate as her ancestors. She will end up as a tortured, lifeless fallen angel. But her brother. . . He very well may change the entire world completely. The twins are extremely close, and he doesn't care about any of that. His biggest question: can he save his sister?

The angel that was caring for them, knowing what would happen, kicked them out. They decided to go to earth, with no knowledge of the human world. They had only their arrows, and the clothes they were wearing. And they were in the middle of London. Not only that, but they know other fallen angels will be looking for them. Earth is a dangerous place for an Archer.
Two humans find them, and decide to take them in. They have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. . . .

But these humans are not mere mortals. They believe that they are, though. They had no idea that their father who abandoned them when they were young was one of the highest ranking angels. No other angels know they exist- and they father wants it to stay that way. Other angels being around them would awaken their abilities. They don't know it, but they are definitely a force to be reckoned with. They can manipulate all of the elements. Move entire ocean, burn entire countries, cause devastating hurricanes, all with the blink of an eye.

Angels are already after the two archers, and once they find them with the two half-angels. . . It won't e pretty. They will most likely be killed on sight- the archers know this. The humans intend to leave the city, and go to a small family house in the country. They don't know about who they are or their powers yet, but the twins do. If they can tell them and train them, just maybe they can survive. But even then, they still have to worry about the curse. It is possible that the girl the male twin falls in love with will have the same fate was his sister. There seems to be no way to win. . .
And the curse has already begun to take affect.


-they do have wings, but they only come out when the angel wants them to. They are very sensitive, as well. A broken wing is about equivalent to all your ribs, and both of your legs being broken.

-they all have certain abilities, based of their lineage. If their mother or father had the gift of invisibility, they would too.

-the higher ranking an angel is, the stronger it is.

-fallen angels keep their abilities, but lose their sense of touch almost completely.

-they are immortal, and the only way to kill them is to chop off their head or if they were cursed by God/an arch angel

-arch angels are the highest ranking angels, and their word is law. To go against one would be a death sentence.



The twins

They are very close, and would do anything for each other. They aren't identical, but have the same bright blue eyes that are a little too beautiful and enchanting to be human.

Ian Whiteraven
Ian is older than Lila by two minutes, but he definitely has the 'big brother' thing down. He is fiercely protective and loyal. He is very relaxed and easygoing, although he loves teasing his loved ones.
FC: Paul Wesly (OPEN)

Delilah Whiteraven
Delilah is younger than Ian by two minutes, much to her irritation, and is quite different than him. She is very freespirited and headstrong, often giving her brother a hard time. In all honesty, she loves her brother more than anything and is terrified of what might happen if she falls in love with a human. Like her brother, she is rather naive and pure hearted.
FC: Candice Accola (TAKEN)

The humans

They are siblings. Half siblings, technically, with different mothers, but they grew up together. They fight often, but would never give up on each other. They are orphans and have been through a lot together, and will always stick together. No matter what.
They already feel very attracted to them. . . Like a magnetic pull.

Elliot Thorn
Elliot is very lighthearted, always laughing and making people smile. He is very gentle and caring, and not quite as wary as his sister. He is very playful, and sometimes childish.
FC: Louis Tomlinson (OPEN)

Isabel Thorn
Isabel is very independent. She hates feeling clingy, or being around people too much. She is very wary and mistrustful, due to her past. She has a heart of gold, it's just hard to find it sometimes. (OPEN)



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New light shed on virus associated with developmental delays and deafness

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? A new study published online in PLOS ONE reveals that primitive human stem cells are resistant to human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), one of the leading prenatal causes of intellectual disability, deafness and deformities worldwide. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that as stem cells and other primitive cells mature into neurons, they become more susceptible to HCMV, which could allow them to find effective treatments for the virus and to prevent its potentially devastating consequences.

"Previous studies have focused on other species and other cell types, but those studies did not evaluate what the cytomegalovirus does to human brain cells," said Vishwajit Nimgaonkar, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and senior author of the report. "This study is the first of its kind, and the first to discover that primitive stem cells are actually resistant to HCMV."

Access to cultured human neurons, necessary to understand the pathogenic effects of HCMV, has been limited by difficulties in growing the brain cells in the laboratory. Yet through human-induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, researchers were able to overcome this hurdle.

The study authors derived live iPS cells by reprogramming cells called fibroblasts obtained from human skin biopsies. The iPS cells were then induced to mature through several stages into neurons, the primary cells in the brain. The researchers were able to evaluate the patterns of damage caused by HCMV on all these cells.

The research findings suggest:

? Human iPS cells do not permit a full viral replication cycle, suggesting for the first time that these cells can resist CMV infection

? CMV infection distorts iPS cell differentiation into neurons, and that may be a mechanism by which infected babies develop impairments of brain maturation and intellectual ability

? iPS-derived mature neurons are more susceptible to CMV infection and once infected show effects including defective function that have been shown in other animal studies and in other human tissues, and the neurons die a few days after infection lab studies, possibly reflecting the impact of CMV on the human brain

"The findings were quite surprising, but this is only the first in a series of studies on HCMV," added Nimgaonkar. "There is a lot of interest in what we can do to treat the infection, and current work is already underway to screen for new drugs that could be used to fight these viruses."

Between 50 and 80 percent of people in the U.S. have been infected by HCMV by the time they reach 40. Infections are rarely serious, but the virus does not leave the body. CMV is also the most common congenital infection in the U.S., and occurs when a mother contracts CMV during pregnancy and passes the virus to her unborn child. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of every 150 children are born with CMV infection and one in five of them develop permanent problems, such as intellectual disability, vision and hearing loss, and seizures.

Pitt researchers are collaborating with the Drug Discovery Institute to further understand the cellular system and determine which agents are most effective against HCMV and similar viruses, and which treatments would be safe for human use.

The lead author of the report is Leonardo D'Aiuto, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh. Collaborators on this study include Roberto Di Maio, Ph.D., Brianna Heath, Giorgio Raimondi, Ph.D., Jadranka Milosevic, Ph.D., Annie M Watson, Mikhil Bamne, Ph.D., W Tony Parks, M.D., Lei Yang, Ph.D., Bo Lin, Ph.D, Toshio Miki, M.D., Ph.D., Jocelyn Danielle Mich-Basso, Etienne Sibille, Ph.D., all of the University of Pittsburgh, and Ravit Arav-Boger, M.D., Sarven Sabunciyan, Ph.D., Robert Yolken, M.D., all of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Leonardo D'Aiuto, Roberto Di Maio, Brianna Heath, Giorgio Raimondi, Jadranka Milosevic, Annie M. Watson, Mikhil Bamne, W. Tony Parks, Lei Yang, Bo Lin, Toshio Miki, Jocelyn Danielle Mich-Basso, Ravit Arav-Boger, Etienne Sibille, Sarven Sabunciyan, Robert Yolken, Vishwajit Nimgaonkar. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Models to Investigate Human Cytomegalovirus Infection in Neural Cells. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (11): e49700 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049700

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Predicting material fatigue: Polymer composites: luminescent zinc oxide tetrapod filler makes inner damage visible

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? Detection of material failure is a difficult task for engineers, because cracks inside a material block can hardly be identified from the outside. However, early detection can prevent fatal disasters such as the world's deadliest high-speed train accident in 1998 near Eschede, Germany, caused by failure of a metal wheel. It is even more difficult to detect material failure in composite materials. A German research team has now developed a new concept to design so-called self-reporting composite materials.

The concept utilizes zinc oxide tetrapod crystals as a filler material for composites which at the same time reveals material failure by a visual signal under UV light. The new concept may solve many engineering problems as numerous fields from vehicle construction to medical engineering are actively seeking new composite materials for high-strain applications. The scientists of Kiel University, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Technical University Munich (TUM) have published their results in the current issue of the journal Advanced Materials.

"The luminescent features of zinc oxide tetrapod crystals are well established. According to our work hypothesis, these characteristics showed pronounced variations under a mechanical load, and we realised that it could help to detect internal damages of composite materials," says Dr. Yogendra Mishra of Kiel University's Technical Faculty. In one experiment, the scientists added zinc oxide tetrapod shaped crystals to a silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) polymer and tested its general properties. They found that the resulting composite material is on the one hand stronger than silicon and on the other hand emits light in different colours when exposed to UV light. When the material is subjected to mechanical stress and ultraviolet light, the intensities of the emitted lights and thus the colour changes. "The micro-nano sized crystals give a visual warning when the composite material is about to fail under stress," explains PhD student Xin Jin. The alteration of the luminescent characteristics of defined semiconductor microstructures under load -- as we could show for zinc oxide tetrapods -- might be also interesting for many other phosphor material systems. We expect further developments in this emerging field on 'self-reporting materials'," explains Professor Cordt Zollfranck of TUM.

Composite polymer materials are used in diverse fields from dental implants to spacecrafts. They are made from two or more constituent materials with different properties such as silicone and zinc oxide crystals which together render better properties. On demands, they can be designed to be light-weight, mechanically robust and still inexpensive. Professor Rainer Adelung, leader of the study, says: "Zinc oxide crystals seem to be an excellent component to design numerous specific composite materials -- also for constructions in which instability can cause fatal accidents."

The study was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Centers 677 and 855.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Xin Jin, Michael G?tz, Sebastian Wille, Yogendra Kumar Mishra, Rainer Adelung, Cordt Zollfrank. A Novel Concept for Self-Reporting Materials: Stress Sensitive Photoluminescence in ZnO Tetrapod Filled Elastomers. Advanced Materials, 2012; DOI: 10.1002/adma.201203849

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Family's economic situation influences brain function in children

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? Children of low socioeconomic status work harder to filter out irrelevant environmental information than those from a high-income background because of learned differences in what they pay attention to, according to new research published in the open access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Numerous studies in the past few years have begun to reveal how poverty affects brain development and function. In 2008, Amedeo D'Angiulli of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and his colleagues used electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the brain wave patterns associated with an auditory selective attention task in children of high and low socioeconomic status (SES).

They found that the two groups of children exhibited differences in theta brain waves in the frontal lobe, which plays an important role in attention. This suggested that each group of children recruits different neural mechanisms for this particular type of task, and that the lower SES children allocate additional resources to attending to irrelevant information.

"Socioeconomic environment shapes the way our neurocognitive functions develop in childhood and influence the way we learn to process information when we are adults so that we can be well adapted in a certain specific type of social environment," says D'Angiulli.

For their latest study, D'Angiulli and his colleagues recruited 28 children aged 12-14 from two schools in neighborhoods of disparate socioeconomic status. One of them was attended predominantly by children from a high income background, and the other largely by children from a low income background.

The researchers performed the study at the schools during an ordinary school day. Working in a mobile lab -- a van equipped with all the apparatus needed -- they took saliva samples from the participants throughout the day, to measure changes in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and asked them to complete three questionnaires about their emotional and motivational state, at different times.

In the afternoon, the participants' brain waves were recorded while they performed a task in which they heard different sounds being played simultaneously into both ears, and were required to press a button as fast as possible when they heard one particular sound.

There were no significant differences between the two groups in the accuracy or reaction time during the task. The researchers did, however, observe differences in brain wave patterns between the two groups. Higher SES children exhibited far larger theta waves in response to sounds they attended to than to than those they should have ignored. In the lower SES children, however, this pattern was reversed -- the theta waves evoked by the unattended sounds were much larger than those for the attended sounds.

There were also significant differences between the two groups in the contributions of the left and right hemispheres -- lower SES children exhibited stronger theta waves in the right frontal lobe in response to attended sounds.

Overall, the lower SES children had higher cortisol levels than the higher SES children during the school day, but the differences before and after the attention task were small, suggesting that the stress response of both groups to the task was similar. And the questionnaires revealed that both groups experienced similar levels of boredom and motivation throughout the day and a similar increase of boredom before the attention task.

The findings suggest that lower SES children have to exert more cognitive control to avoid attending to irrelevant stimuli than higher SES children, and that doing so therefore requires more mental effort. This may be because they live in more threatening environments, in which it might be advantageous to pay attention to a broad range of environmental stimuli which are not unambiguous distractions, and may turn out to be important for survival.

"We are now studying how other domains that may be related to attention, such as decision-making, may differ in individuals with different socioeconomic background," says D'Angiulli.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Frontiers, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Amedeo D'Angiulli, Joanne Weinberg, Tim F. Oberlander, Ruth E. Grunau, Clyde Hertzman, Stefania Maggi. Frontal EEG/ERP correlates of attentional processes, cortisol and motivational states in adolescents from lower and higher socioeconomic status. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2012; 6 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00306

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Google Breaks All Android App Reviews, Threatens Android Fans' Safety

"A Google User" is now the number one Android game and app reviewer on Google Play, Android's version of Apple's App Store. That's because every single one of the millions of existing reviews, possibly including yours, has had its author replaced with this nameless, faceless person.

Screenshots taken by Jeremiah Rice of the Android Police blog show this prolific (but completely generic) author has taken over the Google Play store. Meanwhile, if you visit the store on your Android smartphone or tablet you won't see a name attached to most reviews at all; just the review's title, and the device that the game or app was run on.

Believe it or not, this is all intentional. It's the start of a new Google policy ... one which may threaten some Android fans' safety or privacy.

?Google+, whether you like it or not

Google now requires you to have a Google+ (pronounced "Google Plus") account in order to leave reviews on Google Play, the Chrome Web Store, and Google Maps. No reason for the switchover is given in the pop-up which explains this; you simply click "Continue" if you want your reviews tied to your Google+ account, and if you don't want them linked you don't write them at all. If you don't have a Google+ account, you have to sign up for one before you can write a review.

?Why Google is Plus-ifying everything

Google's success as a company is determined by how many ads it sells. Google's share of the ad market is being eaten into by Facebook, which has essentially "walled off" a huge part of people's day-to-day lives in a place Google can't index or sell any ads on. For better or for worse, Google's execs feel that what they need to do to compete is copy Facebook, in the form of Google+.

Why? Because if everyone is "Plusing" things instead of "Liking" them, and if everything people do shows up on Google+ instead of Facebook, then now Google (instead of Facebook) knows what you're doing online and where you're doing it -- and that gives it a much better position from which to display and sell ads.

?Why this is a problem for many

Besides the obvious privacy concerns (although Google offers limited tools to manage how much it tracks you), Google+'s "real names" policy is dangerous to anyone whose safety is jeopardized by attaching their given name to their online activities. This includes women who are victims of stalking, minors who are victims of abuse, transgender persons in transition, and dissidents in repressive political or religious regimes. By requiring a Google+ account to use more and more of its services, Google is forcing these people to choose between excluding themselves and running the risk of having ?all? of their Google services terminated for a "real name" policy violation, including their personal Gmail accounts.

Google+ policy allows for pseudonymous accounts, if you're widely known by that pseudonym online. Everyone's Google+ page, however, has a button to report what anyone feels is a suspicious name, which puts marginalized persons like those listed above at the mercy of every "troll" who comes by.

Jared Spurbeck is an open-source software enthusiast, who uses an Android phone and an Ubuntu laptop PC. He has been writing about technology and electronics since 2008.


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Math detects contamination in water distribution networks

Math detects contamination in water distribution networks [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Nov-2012
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Contact: Karthika Muthukumaraswamy
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

A paper published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics considers the identification of contaminants in a water distribution network as an optimal control problem

Philadelphia, PANone of us want to experience events like the Camelford water pollution incident in Cornwall, England, in the late eighties, or more recently, the Crestwood, Illinois, water contamination episode in 2009 where accidental pollution of drinking water led to heart-wrenching consequences to consumers, including brain damage, high cancer risk, and even death. In the case of such catastrophes, it is important to have a method to identify and curtail contaminations immediately to minimize impact on the public.

A paper published earlier this month in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics considers the identification of contaminants in a water distribution network as an optimal control problem within a networked system.

"Water supply networks are an essential part of our infrastructure. Sometimes the water in such a network can be contaminated, often by human error, causing the use of polluted water for drinking water production. In the case of such a situation, it is important to have a method to identify the location of the pollution source," says the paper's author, Martin Gugat, explaining the significance of his work.

The paper considers a water distribution network with a finite number of nodes where contamination can occur in the pipes.

"The contamination spreads dynamically through the network with time. So, in order to model the system, a model of the evolution in time is necessary," explains Gugat. "In our approach, we use a partial differential equation (PDE) to model how pollution spreads in the network."

By using a PDE model for transport of contaminants, the problem of identifying the source becomes an optimal control problem. The solution is calculated using equidistant time grids, which allows one to determine the values of contamination at all potential sources on the time grid. Available data on pollution and network flow is incorporated into the model.

Employing certain assumptions for travel times through the pipes, the author uses a least-squares method to solve the problem. The least squares method provides approximate solutions to optimization problems that are relatively e?cient to compute using the tools of numerical linear algebra.

This provides a fast method to identify possible contamination sources, explains Gugat. "For a really accurate model, however, a full system of three-dimensional PDEs is necessary. But with three-dimensional PDEs, simulation is only possible for small networks," he says. "This illustrates that to solve real life problems on real networks, there is a trade-off between the accuracy of the model and its utility."

While the method is tested numerically in the paper, additional work would involve testing the system with an existing water network to demonstrate its workability in practice.

Another future direction is toward elimination of the contaminant. "The second step after the identification of the contamination source is a strategy to flush the polluted water out of the network as fast as possible with acceptable operational cost. The development of an optimal strategy for such a rehabilitation of the water supply is an interesting question for future research," says Gugat.

"For a more detailed model of the process, more complex nonlinear PDEs could be used," he continues. "The cost of the numerical treatment of complex PDEs for large networks is prohibitive. Applied mathematics has to offer models that can be used according to the problem requirements to solve problems with network graphs of a realistic size."


Source Article: "Contamination Source Determination in Water Distribution Networks" Martin Gugat, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72(6), 1772? (Online publish date: 5 November 2012)

The source article is available for free access at the link below until February 28, 2013:

About the Author: Martin Gugat is a researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lehrstuhl fur angewandte Mathematik 2, in Erlangen, Germany. This work was supported by DFG research cluster 1253: Optimization with Partial Differential Equations, grant GU 376/7-1.

About SIAM

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an international society of over 14,000 individual members, including applied and computational mathematicians and computer scientists, as well as other scientists and engineers. Members from 85 countries are researchers, educators, students, and practitioners in industry, government, laboratories, and academia. The Society, which also includes nearly 500 academic and corporate institutional members, serves and advances the disciplines of applied mathematics and computational science by publishing a variety of books and prestigious peer-reviewed research journals, by conducting conferences, and by hosting activity groups in various areas of mathematics. SIAM provides many opportunities for students including regional sections and student chapters. Further information is available at

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Math detects contamination in water distribution networks [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Nov-2012
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Contact: Karthika Muthukumaraswamy
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

A paper published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics considers the identification of contaminants in a water distribution network as an optimal control problem

Philadelphia, PANone of us want to experience events like the Camelford water pollution incident in Cornwall, England, in the late eighties, or more recently, the Crestwood, Illinois, water contamination episode in 2009 where accidental pollution of drinking water led to heart-wrenching consequences to consumers, including brain damage, high cancer risk, and even death. In the case of such catastrophes, it is important to have a method to identify and curtail contaminations immediately to minimize impact on the public.

A paper published earlier this month in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics considers the identification of contaminants in a water distribution network as an optimal control problem within a networked system.

"Water supply networks are an essential part of our infrastructure. Sometimes the water in such a network can be contaminated, often by human error, causing the use of polluted water for drinking water production. In the case of such a situation, it is important to have a method to identify the location of the pollution source," says the paper's author, Martin Gugat, explaining the significance of his work.

The paper considers a water distribution network with a finite number of nodes where contamination can occur in the pipes.

"The contamination spreads dynamically through the network with time. So, in order to model the system, a model of the evolution in time is necessary," explains Gugat. "In our approach, we use a partial differential equation (PDE) to model how pollution spreads in the network."

By using a PDE model for transport of contaminants, the problem of identifying the source becomes an optimal control problem. The solution is calculated using equidistant time grids, which allows one to determine the values of contamination at all potential sources on the time grid. Available data on pollution and network flow is incorporated into the model.

Employing certain assumptions for travel times through the pipes, the author uses a least-squares method to solve the problem. The least squares method provides approximate solutions to optimization problems that are relatively e?cient to compute using the tools of numerical linear algebra.

This provides a fast method to identify possible contamination sources, explains Gugat. "For a really accurate model, however, a full system of three-dimensional PDEs is necessary. But with three-dimensional PDEs, simulation is only possible for small networks," he says. "This illustrates that to solve real life problems on real networks, there is a trade-off between the accuracy of the model and its utility."

While the method is tested numerically in the paper, additional work would involve testing the system with an existing water network to demonstrate its workability in practice.

Another future direction is toward elimination of the contaminant. "The second step after the identification of the contamination source is a strategy to flush the polluted water out of the network as fast as possible with acceptable operational cost. The development of an optimal strategy for such a rehabilitation of the water supply is an interesting question for future research," says Gugat.

"For a more detailed model of the process, more complex nonlinear PDEs could be used," he continues. "The cost of the numerical treatment of complex PDEs for large networks is prohibitive. Applied mathematics has to offer models that can be used according to the problem requirements to solve problems with network graphs of a realistic size."


Source Article: "Contamination Source Determination in Water Distribution Networks" Martin Gugat, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72(6), 1772? (Online publish date: 5 November 2012)

The source article is available for free access at the link below until February 28, 2013:

About the Author: Martin Gugat is a researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lehrstuhl fur angewandte Mathematik 2, in Erlangen, Germany. This work was supported by DFG research cluster 1253: Optimization with Partial Differential Equations, grant GU 376/7-1.

About SIAM

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an international society of over 14,000 individual members, including applied and computational mathematicians and computer scientists, as well as other scientists and engineers. Members from 85 countries are researchers, educators, students, and practitioners in industry, government, laboratories, and academia. The Society, which also includes nearly 500 academic and corporate institutional members, serves and advances the disciplines of applied mathematics and computational science by publishing a variety of books and prestigious peer-reviewed research journals, by conducting conferences, and by hosting activity groups in various areas of mathematics. SIAM provides many opportunities for students including regional sections and student chapters. Further information is available at

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Scientists uncover a novel cooperative effort to stop cancer spread

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have uncovered a group of what have been considered relatively minor regulators in the body that band together to suppress the spread of cancer from its primary site.

The discovery offers a fresh batch of possible therapeutic targets as well as new diagnostic tools with the potential to predict and inhibit the spread of cancer (metastasis) in patients suffering from the disease.

The research, published recently in The Journal of Biological Chemistry, was conducted by TSRI Professor Donald G. Phinney, a nationally recognized authority in the study of adult bone marrow-derived stem cells, and a postdoctoral fellow in his laboratory, Christopher L. Haga.

In the new study, the scientists found that a cluster of seven microRNAs (miRNA) function cooperatively to repress a process known as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). While EMT is part of the normal biology of cell development in some parts of the body, the process has recently been implicated in two dangerous aspects of tumor growth -- tumor metastasis and the growth of drug-resistant cancer stem cells.

MicroRNAs are tiny fragments of RNA found in all mammalian cells. They bind to messenger RNAs, a process that generally results in gene silencing. This cluster of miRNAs, located in a genetic region known as DLK1-DIO3, suppresses a specific signaling network in human cancers that primarily affect glands such as breast cancer.

"These results establish the DLKI-DIO3 miRNA cluster as a critical checkpoint regulating tumor growth and metastasis," said Phinney. "Our data shows that when this cluster is silenced, it accelerates tumorogenesis and proliferation by inducing EMT."

Silencing the DLK1-DIO3 genetic region is an early event for tumors, Phinney said, pointing out that micro-metastasis can be detected even in the early stages of breast cancer.

One of the seven miRNAs highlighted in the new study -- MiR-544 -- appears to be potent in its powers of inhibition, repressing cancer cell proliferation by inducing Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), a protein involved in stopping the cell cycle once DNA damage is detected.

"What's interesting is that MiR-544 blocks cell growth in every tumor cell line we've put it into, so we're looking at it as a potential therapeutic target," Phinney said.

Phinney noted that dozens of miRNAs exist in the same genetic region. "It's possible there are other clusters that work together to affect tumor growth and metastasis," he said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Scripps Research Institute.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. C. L. Haga, D. G. Phinney. MicroRNAs in the imprinted DLKI-DIO3 region repress the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition by targeting the TWIST1 signaling network. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012; DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M112.387761

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Apple to start selling new iMacs on Friday

CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) ? Apple says the smaller version of its new, slimmed-down iMac desktop computers will go on sale Friday. It will also start taking orders for the larger model, but the units won't ship until next month.

The model with the 21.5-inch screen will cost $1,299 and up, depending on the configuration. The model with a 27-inch screen will start at $1,799.

The iMac tacks the computer components to the back of a large LCD screen. The new models have no disk drive, helping make the edges one-fifth the thickness of the old model. They bulge considerably toward the middle of the back, however.

Apple revealed the new models a month ago.

Apple shares fell $2.04 to $587.49 in afternoon trading.

Associated Press


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Oh, Yoko! Ono's fashion line gropes for Lennon

This undated publicity photo provided by courtesy of Opening Ceremony shows a black mesh Cutout Shirt ($145), and a black wool with contrast colored white hand Hand Trouser ($335) from Yoko Ono's new menswear collection. (AP Photo/Courtesy Opening Ceremony)

This undated publicity photo provided by courtesy of Opening Ceremony shows a black mesh Cutout Shirt ($145), and a black wool with contrast colored white hand Hand Trouser ($335) from Yoko Ono's new menswear collection. (AP Photo/Courtesy Opening Ceremony)

This undated publicity photo provided by courtesy of Opening Ceremony shows a clear perspex and black leather with silver chrome bells Ring For Your Mommy Piece ($400) and white wool and padded mesh Cutout Trouser ($250) from Yoko Ono's new menswear collection. (AP Photo/Courtesy Opening Ceremony)

This undated publicity photo provided by courtesy of Opening Ceremony shows a black bamboo jersey Eyelet Tank ($150) and white wool and padded mesh Cutout Trouser ($250) from Yoko Ono's new menswear collection. (AP Photo/Courtesy Opening Ceremony)

(AP) ? You remember that Beatles classic "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"? Turns out Yoko Ono had other things in mind.

Ono's new menswear collection inspired by John Lennon includes pants with large handprints on the crotch, tank tops with nipple cutouts and even a flashing LED bra.

The collection of menswear for Opening Ceremony is based on a series of drawings she sketched as a gift for Lennon for their wedding day in 1969. Ono said she the illustrations were designs for clothing and accessories to celebrate Lennon's "hot bod."

Also in the collection are a "butt hoodie" with an outline drawing suggesting its name, pants with cutouts at the behind, a jock strap with an LED light and a transparent chest plaque with bells and a leather neck strap.

"I was inspired to create 'Fashions for Men,' amazed at how my man was looking so great. I felt it was a pity if we could not make clothes emphasizing his very sexy bod," Ono said in a statement. "So, I made this whole series with love for his hot bod, and gave it to him as a wedding present."

Opening Ceremony hosted a book signing at its SoHo store for Ono for a book that contained the illustrations, and that led to the collaboration to bring them to life. The limited-edition capsule collection, "Fashions for Men: 1969-2002," launched on Tuesday.

"As huge, longtime fans of Yoko's art, we have great respect for her artistic vision, aesthetics, and intellect," said Humberto Leon, co-founder and creative director of Opening Ceremony.

Prices run from $25 for a poster to $200 for a jock strap or $750 for boots with an incense holder or open toes.

Associated Press


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Newton leads Panthers past Eagles 30-22

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? This was the Cam Newton who was the talk of the NFL last season.

Newton threw for two touchdowns and ran for two more to lead the Carolina Panthers to a 30-22 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles on Monday night in a matchup of teams with the worst records in the NFC.

Newton, who hadn't played up to his sensational rookie season, showed no signs of a sophomore slump against Philadelphia's porous pass defense. He finished 18 of 28 for 306 yards and had a passer rating of 125.

"I think my best game is still to come," Newton said. "I'm still focused on getting better each and every week."

Bryce Brown set a club rookie record with 178 yards rushing, including TD runs of 65 and 5 yards, but the Eagles (3-8) still lost their seventh straight game.

Brown, filling in for injured running back LeSean McCoy, surpassed Correll Buckhalter's rookie mark of 134 yards rushing in his first start since his senior year at Wichita East High School in 2008. But Brown also lost two fumbles, including one in Panthers' territory.

Fellow rookie Nick Foles was so-so in his second straight start for Michael Vick, who also sat out with a concussion. Foles was 16 of 21 for 119 yards.

"The most important thing for me was for us to get the win and that didn't happen tonight," Brown said. "I felt like a lot of that had to do with my two turnovers. It really, really cost us."

Carolina (3-8) went ahead 24-22 early in the fourth quarter on Graham Gano's 23-yard field goal.

Then the Panthers finally stopped Brown when it mattered most, stuffing him on a fourth-and-1 to take over on downs at their 40. Newton led them downfield, running in from the 2 to make it 30-22. Gano, signed last week, missed the extra point. But Brandon Boykin fumbled after a 44-yard kickoff return, the Panthers recovered and held the ball the final 4:29.

"It's been a long time in coming," Panthers coach Ron Rivera said. "Lots of people contributed and made plays. Real proud of what we did and the things we did to give ourselves a chance to win."

Newton, the No, 1 overall pick in the 2011 NFL draft, lived up to the hype by throwing for 4,051 yards with 21 TD passes and 14 TDs on the ground in his first year. He entered this game with only nine TD passes and four TDs rushing, a major disappointment for Panthers fans.

But Newton outshined a rookie seventh-round pick in his Monday night debut.

"We took some plays off his plate and really tried to balance it out and spread it among other players and he has really responded very well to those things," Rivera said. "I think we had to interpret it as giving him a breath once in a while. These last few weeks, he's played like the guy we believe he could become."

Newton had a 24-yard TD toss over the middle to a wide-open Gary Barnidge for a 7-3 lead. He connected with Brandon LaFell on a 43-yard pass to make it 14-3 later in the first quarter. LaFell was wide open on the play, taking advantage of another breakdown in coverage in the secondary.

Since Todd Bowles replaced Juan Castillo as defensive coordinator, the Eagles have allowed 13 passing touchdowns and haven't had an interception in five games.

Newton led a 95-yard drive to open the third quarter, finishing it off with a 1-yard leap to give the Panthers a 21-15 lead. Newton hit Louis Murphy for a 55-yard gain on a second-and-11 from Carolina's 16.

A 51-yard pass interference call on Haruki Nakamura on Foles' deep pass to Jeremy Maclin put Philadelphia at the Panthers 5. Brown then ran in for the go-ahead score.

Brown broke loose early in the second quarter to get Philadelphia within 14-12. Brown started up the middle, cut outside and outran the defense down the right sideline for the seventh-longest TD run by a Philadelphia rookie. The Eagles inexplicably tried a 2-point conversion and failed.

"Bryce did what we thought he could do," Eagles coach Andy Reid said. "He's a talented kid. It's a shame he had the two fumbles. He was on a roll. Those things cost you. He'll learn from it. He's got a great future."

Alex Henery's 45-yard field goal gave them a 15-14 lead. Henery kicked a 41-yarder to cut it to 14-6 in the second quarter. It was his 18th straight field goal, setting a team record.

The Eagles haven't won since beating the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants to go 3-1, leaving fans and media to speculate about Reid's job. Owner Jeffrey Lurie already has said that an 8-8 record would be "unacceptable" this year. The Eagles would have to finish 5-0 just to get there.

"I'm not worried about all the other things," Reid said. "We haven't talked about that. He's been supportive. Obviously he's competitive and wants to win games."

Fans known for their hostile behavior have become apathetic toward their beloved Eagles. The Linc was about one-third empty for pregame introductions and plenty of seats remained empty at the start. There were boos early when the Eagles fell behind, but they lacked the usual luster.

The Panthers have shown they're better than their record. They have lost six games by less than a touchdown, including a 2-point loss at Atlanta and a 1-point loss at Chicago.

"It's a huge stage, Monday Night Football, on the road," tackle Jordan Gross said. "It was just big for us and big for the guys on the team who haven't experienced something like this."

The injury-depleted Eagles lost wide receiver DeSean Jackson (sternum) and defensive tackle Fletcher Cox (tail bone) in the first half.

Notes: Neither Vick nor McCoy have been cleared to return to practice. ... The Eagles inducted five-time Pro Bowl cornerback Troy Vincent and longtime front office executive Leo Carlin into the team's Hall of Fame at halftime. ... Brown's 65-yard TD run was longest for Eagles since McCoy's 66-yarder, against New York Giants, Nov. 1, 2009. ... Buckhalter had 134 yards rushing vs. Arizona on Oct. 7, 2001. ... Newton led the Panthers with 52 yards rushing.


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Criminal defense lawyers group hands out awards |

State Rep. Jeff Arnold is among those who'll be recognized next month by the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The awards will be presented Dec. 7, during the association's awards banquet in New Orleans.

Arnold, an Algiers Democrat, will receive the association's Chief Justice Pascal F. Calogero Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award, as being "supportive and dedicated to the betterment of the criminal justice system and has supported it through the Legislature," according to a press release.

Arnold, who earlier this year pushed through a bill in Baton Rouge that increased revenue for cash-strapped public defender offices, said Tuesday he was "honored to be recognized," and that he has "always fought for equal justice and equal access to justice."

"I don't do what I do for recognition, but it is a nice gesture to be recognized," Arnold said.

Other local recipients include Gary Clements of New Orleans, who'll receive the group's Sam Dalton Capital Defense Advocacy Award. Clements is director of the Capital Post Conviction Project of Louisiana, a public defender's office for convicts on death row.

Dwight Doskey, an attorney in St. Tammany Parish and New Orleans, is slated to receive the Criminal Justice Act Panel Award.

Innocence Project New Orleans will receive the Trustees of Freedom Gideon Award "in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Right of Counsel, including Legislative works, working 'in the trenches' and a concern for clients and criminal justice."


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Study points to potential new therapies for cancer and other diseases

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute (TRSI) are fueling the future of cancer treatment by improving a powerful tool in disease defense: the body's immune system. By revealing a novel but widespread cell signaling process, the scientists may have found a way to manipulate an important component of the immune system into more effectively fighting disease.

The study, recently published online ahead of print by the journal Blood, shows that disabling a particular enzyme, called ItpkB, in mice improves the function of a type of immune cell called Natural Killer cells.

"This is an exciting finding because it could possibly lead to the development of drugs that improve Natural Killer cell function," said TSRI Associate Professor Karsten Sauer, PhD, who led the study. "Natural Killer cells have gained clinical interest as innovative biological therapeutics for certain cancers and also in certain infectious diseases."

The Body's 'SWAT Team'

Natural Killer cells patrol the body and detect characteristic alterations on the surface of cancer cells or virus-infected cells. Through a complicated and little understood signaling machinery -- a domino effect of molecular reactions in a cell that ultimately produces a certain signal -- Natural Killer cells then destroy such "stressed" cells.

Compared to other types of immune cells, Natural Killer cells kill these cells quickly. This makes Natural Killer cells important early responders of the immune system. Not surprisingly, researchers have explored engaging this "SWAT team" of the body therapeutically, particularly in blood cancers.

However, to date, the therapeutic efficacy of Natural Killer cells has been limited. "A key bottleneck is our limited understanding of signaling mechanisms that dampen Natural Killer cell function," Sauer said.

Sauer and colleagues' new research reveals crucial details of this puzzle.

A Way to Prime the Attack

The Sauer group had previously identified ItpkB as a key regulator of immune function. ItpkB acts primarily by producing IP4, a small molecule messenger that controls the functions of various other important signaling molecules. IP4 can improve or inhibit signaling depending on the cell type in which it is produced.

The new research showed that Natural Killer cells from mice lacking ItpkB show elevated signaling and function better than Natural Killer cells that have the enzyme. As a result, mice lacking ItpkB are more effective than mice expressing ItpkB in attacking cells that display characteristic surface changes of cancer cells.

"The enzyme ItpkB has unique features that facilitate its highly specific inhibition by small molecules," said Sauer. "Our findings suggest that such compounds could possibly be used to improve Natural Killer cell function therapeutically. If successful, this could overcome a bottleneck and engage the body's SWAT team to fight cancer."

In addition to Sauer, Eugene Park of Washington University School of Medicine was a co-first author of the study, "Inositol Tetrakisphosphate Limits NK Cell Effector Functions by Controlling Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Signaling." Other authors include Sabine Siegemund, Luise Sternberg and Stephanie Rigaud of TSRI and Anthony R. French, Joseph A. Wahle, A. Helena Jonsson, Wayne M. Yokoyama and co-corresponding author Yina H. Huang of Washington University School of Medicine.

The research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AI070845, GM088647, AI089805 and AI007606), The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar Award 1440-11 and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fellowship SI 1547/1-1.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Scripps Research Institute.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. K. Sauer, E. Park, S. Siegemund, A. R. French, J. A. Wahle, L. Sternberg, S. Rigaud, A. H. Jonsson, W. M. Yokoyama, Y. H. Huang. Inositol tetrakisphosphate limits NK cell effector functions by controlling phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling. Blood, 2012; DOI: 10.1182/blood-2012-05-429241

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Improvement | Tools And Supplies You Need For Home ...

Home ? How To (DIY) ? Home Improvement | Tools And Supplies You Need For Home Improvement

Reviewed on November 20, 2012
By CybrInfo & How-To.

With any home improvement or repair project, safety should be considered first. Some safety supplies to invest in include goggles, ear protections, masks, and gloves.

If you are planning on repairing or improving your walls and floors, there are a few specific tools that you will need. If you are redoing basement walls, you will need stiff-bristled brushes, a wire brush, and heavy-duty paintbrushes in order to protect the walls. You will also need materials waterproof masonry sealers, household cleaners, buckets and a sponge. For painting, you will need a stiff-bristled paintbrush, and possible masonry primer. If you are working on paneled walls you will need a hammer, chisels, wallboard knife, caulk gun, putty knife, framing square, carpentry knife, pry bar, rubber mallet, and nails.

In order to prevent leaking you will need a trowel or putty knife, a wire brush, vacuum, chisel, and a caulk gun.

For outside jobs, such as installing new gutters or drains, you will need a hacksaw, a good quality drill and bits, caulk gun, and scrapers.

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For general indoor repairs you will need some basic tools including, drills, screwdrivers, hammer, scrapers, paintbrushes, pliers, awl, utility knives, a stud finder, a level.

For plaster repair you will need a paintbrush and a wallboard knife. This job necessitates more one-time supplies than tools.

Flooring jobs, such as replacing ceramic tiles require an awl, tile cutter, nippers, utility knife, compass, grout float, and mallet. For making sub-floor repairs you might need a caulk gun, drill, chisel, straightedge, trowel, square, and saw. When replacing flooring always make sure the sub-flooring is in good condition and free of damage.

For wallpaper repairs or replacement, you will need a utility knife, edge roller, sponge, and a syringe in order to apply adhesive. Wallpapering is a tricky task, so go slowly and be very methodical about the job.

For minor ceiling repairs, you might need a drill, wallboard knife and hammer. For ceiling patches, you will need additional tools including chisels, framing square and utility knife.

Roof repairs such as leaks require shingles, masonry nails, hammer, brackets, drill, bits, soft shoes, an extension ladder, and slide guards. This is a two-man job, so enlist the help of a friend for roofing projects.

Now that you have an idea of what kinds of tools you will need for some basic home improvement projects, you can see that many tools can be used for multiple jobs. It is smart to by the basic tools, especially if you like to complete repairs and improvements yourself.

A lot of the big equipment needed for home improvement projects can be rented for one day, which is a cost saver for you.

About the Author:

By: Ken Snowie

To learn more about DIY home improvement visit

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