Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Panetta: Sanctions not moving Iran away from nukes

(AP) ? U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta acknowledged Monday that increasingly stiff international sanctions have yet to compel Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions. But he argued that more pressure eventually would lead Iran to "do what's right."

Iran's disputed nuclear program, which Tehran contends is only for peaceful purposes, is a prominent backdrop to Panetta's five-day tour of the Middle East and North Africa. On Wednesday he'll be in Israel, whose leaders have said they are contemplating a military attack on Iran to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, a step they view as a threat to Israel's very existence.

The Obama administration wants Israel to give sanctions and diplomacy more time to steer Iran off its nuclear course, although Panetta repeated the administration's standard line that "all options" are on the table in the event that non-military pressure does not work.

"These sanctions are having a serious impact in terms of the economy in Iran," he told reporters during a visit to the North Africa American Military Cemetery, where 2,841 U.S. servicemen killed in the North Africa campaign against Nazi Germany in 1942-1943 are buried.

"And while the results of that may not be obvious at the moment, the fact is that they have expressed a willingness to negotiate (with the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China) and they continue to seem interested in trying to find a diplomatic solution," he said.

Those on-again, off-again negotiations have not come close to resolving a problem that U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has cast as one of the biggest failures of the Obama administration. Romney was in Israel this week showing support for Israel and asserting that if he were president Iran would never get the atomic bomb.

Panetta, who has declined to comment on Romney's visit to Israel, stuck to his argument that the administration's current approach is the right one.

"What we all need to do is to continue the pressure on Iran, economically and diplomatically ... to negotiate and to ultimately do what's right in joining the international family," he added.

After meeting in Tunis with the country's new Islamist leaders, Panetta was headed to Egypt for talks with its new Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, in Cairo, as well as Egyptian military leader Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi.

In his remarks at the U.S. military cemetery, Panetta said Washington plans to promote closer counterterrorism cooperation with Tunisia's new leaders. Panetta's press secretary, George Little, said the Pentagon chief also raised the idea of more U.S. assistance in securing Tunisia's border with Libya and in Tunisian maritime security. Little said specifics were not discussed.

Little said the U.S. is worried about the spread of al-Qaida's influence in North Africa, while adding that "the sense is that the threat here (in Tunisia) is not as great as elsewhere" in the region.

Tunisia was the launching pad for the wave of revolt that swept through the Arab world in 2011. It had one of the most repressive governments in the region. The uprising began in December 2010 when a fruit vendor, Mohammed Bouazizi, set himself on fire in the town of Sidi Bouzid to protest his lack of economic opportunity and the disrespect of the police.

The transition here from dictatorship to democracy has been smoother than in neighboring countries like Libya and Egypt, with no power-hungry military or armed militias to stifle the progress. But there is an increasingly bold ultraconservative Muslim minority who want to turn Tunisia into a strict Islamic state.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-07-30-Panetta-Tunisia/id-b54dbfbf352e4888b128cf65eff15bb2

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Dating as a single parent: Where can I meet other single parents for ...

How do I meet other single parents? How do I meet other single moms or dads? Where do I meet single moms or dads? How do I get into a relationship as a single parent?

The dating game can be something completely complex. This can be heightened when being a single parent - but it doesn?t need to be that way. There are many ways and places of meeting like-minded individuals or single parent?s if you?re looking to meet up for dating or socialising.
Where to meet other single parents Single parents can be found almost anywhere and there are a lot of common places which you might be very well aware of as a single parent yourself. ???????? Child friendly spots ? ? ????? Extra mural activities ( children sports, your child?s school functions, etc.) ? ? ? ???? Parent teacher conferences or meetings ? ? ? ???? The play sections at theme parks or restaurants These might seem like obvious places to look at but they are exactly where you will find the kind of people you?d like to get to know better and you wouldn?t even have to look that hard. Chances are you have been in these places more often than not; if you have then you just need to be a little more observant the next time you?re there, and if you haven?t then you need to start taking your child out a little more often. Hanging out in such places would be great for the both of you: Your child will get to have fun with children his or her age while having some quality time with you and you will get to bond with him or her while hanging around like minded parents. Another plus to this kind of meeting place is that it should be obvious to spot which parents are single parents and which aren?t. Parents who are alone with their children at a family venue such as a theme park are likely to be single parents, divorcees or widows/widowers (all single parents in any case). It shouldn?t be hard to find out for sure as conversations can easy be started surrounding your children. ???????? Social networks ???? Facebook fan pages and groups ???? Twitter hash tags ???? Single or divorced parent blogs and websites These are really great places to meet the kind of individuals you?d like to get to know better whether for dating purposes, on a social level or merely for friendship or companionship. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter make it very easy to find individuals with similar likes, dislikes and preferences. By joining a Facebook fan page or group on single parenting, being a single mom / dad / parent, single handedly raising children or divorce, you will be putting yourself directly in interaction with similar individuals. Similar to Facebook, when searching people or hash tags on Twitter you?re able to come in contact with those who might be single parents or divorcees. Search for hash tags or people with hash tags in their profiles mentioning being a single parent, divorcee, single mom / single dad or raising a child alone. By joining or looking up blogs or websites about single parents or divorcees you will be able to interact with those commenting on or interacting in the blog or website. These people are likely to be the kind that you?re looking to interact with as well. Social networks especially, make it easy to find out a lot about a person before deciding to interact with him or her. It also makes it easy to be able to tell where someone is from in order to know whether or not he or she is from a nearby town or city in contrast to forming a relationship with someone from a different country (unless you?re looking for companionship or friendship). ???????? Online dating sites ???? Single parent dating sites ???? Divorcee dating sites ???? Mixed dating sites Online dating is fast becoming one of the most common ways of meeting prospective partners and dates. Many believe that online dating is just as successful in meeting prospective long term partners as any other form of meeting. According to statistics gathered from numerous sources and surveys at least 20% of all newly committed people met online. In the USA alone 31% of all dating individuals use dating websites and there are 280 000 marriages a year as a result of online dating services alone. The advantage of online dating is that you are able to directly join a group of people who you are sure are on the website with exact same intentions and preferences as you (as with anything else in life, online dating requires caution and common sense as unfortunately everyone out there may not exactly be who he or she might say he or she is). Dating is meant to be fun so keep that in mind when getting into the dating game. Whether you?re a single parent, divorcee or widow, remember the most important part of dating while having a child is to make sure that you only get into a relationship and start dating once you are ready (not only applicable to people with children but to everyone in general). Another more important fact for single parents specifically is to ensure that your child is made a number one priority no matter what might happen in your dating world. Don?t ever make your child feel like he or she comes off second best to your new partner.

Source: http://relationship-tips-that-work.blogspot.com/2012/07/dating-as-single-parent-where-can-i.html

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Woman lifts the spirits of breast cancer patients with needed clothes ...

PORTLAND, Ore. ? About 141 women in the Northwest will be diagnosed with breast cancer this week and 22 will die from the disease.?

You can help save a life by joining this year?s Race for the Cure. The money raised supports the fight against breast cancer. Sometimes that fight goes beyond medical needs, and sometimes it?s about the woman?s spirit and appearance.?

That?s why they come to see Paula Zellers. She?s a certified mastectomy fitter at Providence St. Vincent?s Transitions Center whose mission is to help breast cancer patients find the right clothes and accessories to fit their special needs.?

?We just try to ease their way,? Zellers says. ?Their bodies are changing, but we can show them what to do with that change and how they can feel good about themselves.?

Zellers knows just how hard it can be to regain that confidence. That?s because she?s been there. Zellers was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998, just two years after her mother died of the disease. Now she uses the Transitions Center to help women look and feel beautiful.?

The clothes and accessories are all designed for breast cancer patients, many of which are hand-selected by Zellers herself. The items may look like something you?d fine at any regular store, but these are designed with subtle differences in the cut and seams to make it more comfortable for breast cancer patients.?

?After reconstruction, you?re a little tender so it?s finding something soft and easy to wear,? Zellers says. ?You also have some release of muscles so you want something a little more containing.?

Besides the hats, scarves and bras, there are unique items like meditation CDs and compression sleeves to help prevent swelling after surgery. Other top sellers include camisoles and a silver bracelet with the message that reads: ?Expect Miracles.???
Zellers says in the five years she?s been at Transitions, she?s met many amazing people and has seen the impact clothes and accessories can make on a woman who?s going through a tough time in her life.
?That?s what makes this job so wonderful,? she says. ?There?s just a tremendous feeling of happiness, probably mostly of sisterhood. You?re in this with them and you know they walk out feeling so much better and that they?re going to be able to face whatever comes next.?

The Transitions Center at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center is open Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or by appointment.

Article source: http://www.katu.com/about/komen/Komen-Race-for-the-Cure-St-Vincent-Medical-Center-Transitions-Center-Breast-Cancer-164361126.html

Source: http://cancerkick.com/2012/07/31/woman-lifts-the-spirits-of-breast-cancer-patients-with-needed-clothes/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

What is a Broadcast? The challenge of Writers Guilds. - Journal ...

I?wrote last week about my recent nomination in the Australian Writer?s Guild AWGIE awards. Once the excitement of the nomination calmed down i was?prompted to think about the role such awards and organisations like the Australian Writers Guild (along with its brethren guilds around the world) play in the online digital age??

Writers Guilds serve a number of important roles in the professional lives of writers. There?s the obvious legal and logistical functions concerning contracts, copyright and minimum standards for payment and agreements. Then overlaying this pragmatic function is a wider role of industry representation and shaping policy concerning the creative arts and industry directions. And we also cannot overlook the vital role the Guilds play in developing talent and continuing education and development of writers and the culture of performance writing.?

In doing this Writers Guilds have long had a very specific and formal framework for membership and recognition of both writers and their work. Membership and Recognition was framed by Broadcast and Theatrical Presentation. Generally speaking, a writer can only become a full member of a Writers Guild once they have had a defined amount of professional material Broadcast or Theatrically presented. Writers without such ?credits? or ?air-time? cannot be full members but can be Associate Members until such time as they meet the requirements. In the age of Radio stations, Cinemas and Theatre Companies this framework made sense and it worked. The natural gatekeepers of theatrical release and broadcast served as a filtration process to separate out professional work and create a specific benchmark.?

The principle is, that it?s simply not useful for a Guild to be open to anyone without benchmarks of what qualifies for membership. It weakens the Guild?s power to influence and represent professional work, to lobby governments and industry with weight or to negotiate on behalf of writers with major corporate entities such as movie studios. So the high benchmarks to entry are crucially important and I would not be one to argue such benchmarks should be ?lowered?.

But?. This is the online digital age. An age where the hierarchy that positions the Theatrical Release and the Broadcast Transmission at the top of a pyramid is quickly evaporating. In an age of multi-platform, cross-platform and transmedia online experiences what role does the Writers Guild play? More importantly, in an age where gatekeepers are dissolved and increasingly writers work directly to their audience without intermediary - such as Webseries and WebTV, online, downloadable, app-based and streaming media to a plethora of devices - how does a Writer?s Guild make distinction between what qualifies and what does not for Full Membership?

For example, it is very possible for a writer to have penned a 15 episode webseries that attracted hundreds of thousands of regular viewers, and even be presented under an exclusive license on a dedicated WebTV channel that feeds directly into major VOD platforms such as Xbox live - channels which have a significantly greater audience reach than a broadcast time-slot - and yet this would not qualify them for Full Guild Membership.?

In simple terms, a writer may have countless credits for online writing and yet because their work did not pass through the gates of Theatrical Release or traditional Broadcast, they may not eligible to either be a member of the Guild or be represented by the Guild in professional matters.

It?s hard to argue that the Theatrical release holds the significance it once did. In a great many instances theatrical release is little more than loss-leader advertising for DVD sales and broadcast rights. And I do find the idea of even discussing Opening Weekend Box Office numbers like some all-important measure, largely absurd in a multi-platform, time-shifted, on-demand digital age. But the more slippery term is this idea of ?Broadcast?. In literal terms Broadcast simply means the sending of a message from a central point to many recipients; from a broadcast tower to many TV sets. But such a definition ties ?Broadcasting? to a very particular ?(and arguably old-fashioned) technology - that of broadcast radio waves sent through the air in a time-slot.

In the online era; broadcast has become a much more complex and technology-agnostic idea. A feature film available on BitTorrent (such as recent Australian horror film The Tunnel), a WebSeries available as an internet stream, a video series delivered as a downloadabale App or through a VOD online store, these are all essentially forms of ?Broadcast? delivery by literal definition - from one point to many points of reception.?

But does this mean that anything put online qualifies a Writer for Guild membership? Few would ague the merits of that proposition. Yet to rule online work out altogether is plainly absurd, as is only recognizing online work if it is connected to, or under the auspices of, a traditional broadcaster.

One suggestion has been to treat online, multiplatform and interactive writing separately - operating under their own guilds.?But i would argue this is dysfunctional as it it doesn?t ?help either arm of the screen media industries in a positive way. It doesn?t ?help skilled storytellers bring their craft to bare on new media forms. It keeps new media forms in a state of narrative immaturity. And it keeps a wedge in place to keep opportunities for paid creative writing work away from writers from other media. It also ignores the fact that before to long all ?TV? as we know it will be ?online?; i.e. delivered over IP rather than Radio Waves.?

Moreover I would argue one of the great problems with so called ?New Media? is that it has too long been treated as ?the other? by its own practitioners as much as by those looking over the fence from traditional screen media forms. This ?otherness? drives a creative culture focused on perpetuating what is ?different? rather than building upon what is ?consistent?. The result is a whole lot of ?baby out with he bath water? thinking that delivers new media, multi platform, transmedia and interactive narratives that are, frankly, all too often gimmicky, disposable and uncompelling because they fail or refuse to build upon our long narrative traditions.?

I was at a Writers Guild conference a couple of years go and heard a speaker present on he topic of writing interactive and multi platform narratives. They asserted that a) ?we have to rethink everything we know about telling stories? and b) ?life is not linear so why should our stories be??

Now, these two statements concerned me greatly on a number of levels. The first was that the conference was full largely of very experienced writers of tv and film who collectively possessed a wealth of experience and expertise. Thus by asserting that we should ?rethink everything we know? struck me as an intolerably arrogant thing to assert; hideously dismissive of a centuries of storytelling knowledge as if a new technology could sweep it into obsolescence. Moreover, as I have written about before, such verbose statements have no precedent in history. Never has a new technology for storytelling replaced or made obsolete any other form. Despite TV and the internet we still have move cinemas, theatres and radio.?

Worse still, the statement that??life is not linear so why should our stories be?? is painfully absurd and seemingly born from a desire for grandiose statements rather than clear thinking. Life is, in fact, utterly linear. Birth to Death it is entirely 1 directional. But beyond the semantics of a bad choice of phrasing it?s also a statement that fails to recognise that so called non-linear storytelling is, in fact, extremely rare. Any story still relies on causality - that A has to happen before B and that B happened because of A. Any so called non-linear narrative still absolutely relies on this principle. There may be multiple parallel narratives or an audience may be able to choose one direction over another and lead to a different outcome, but the outcome is still the result of a casual chain of events and actions. There is nothing ?non-linear? about a story regardless of whether it is a Movie or a Video Game. A still has to happen before B and event B happens because of choice or action A.?

The hyperbole of this kind of thinking of new media as the ?other?, somehow fundamentally different from everything else, is so much of the problem. it speaks to the need for a unified and Inclusive approach of institutions such as Writers Guilds to ensure that our future screen narrative experiences are standing on the shoulders of giants rather than ignorantly re-inventing the wheel. When ABC are now commissioning iView WebTV exclusive content, ISP?s have become broadcasters, WebSeries projects are attracting Oscar Winning DoP?s, games are being designed by New York Times best-selling novelists and huge Hollywood stars like Seinfeld and Kiefer Sutherland are producing and performing in WebTV dramas and comedies, we undoubtably have a key role of Writers Guilds to play. The challenge is how to design a framework for membership that is inclusive of new media forms and define what counts in the online space as the equivalent of a ?broadcast credit?.

Source: http://www.mikejones.tv/journal/2012/7/30/what-is-a-broadcast-the-challenge-of-writers-guilds.html

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Syria SNC to mull transitional government 'within weeks'

DUBAI (Reuters) - The head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the main umbrella group for opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, said on Sunday that talks would be held within weeks to form a transitional government that would in time replace Assad's ministerial team.

Abdelbasset Sida, president of the SNC, said such a government would run the country between Assad's ousting and democratic elections. Most of its members would be drawn from the opposition, but some members of the current Assad government might also be included, he added.

"This government should come about before the fall (of Assad) so that it presents itself as an alternative for the next stage," Sida told Abu Dhabi-based Sky News Arabia television in an interview broadcast on Sunday.

"The committees that we have set up have their own schedules. Obviously, the matter should be concluded within weeks."

"There are some elements in the current regime who are not bloodstained, who were not part of major corruption cases. We will discuss (including them) with other parties, but there should be a national consensus to accept them."

However, criticism about the SNC's legitimacy may complicate its efforts to form a transitional government.

It clearly backs the Free Syrian Army, despite having not always overtly supported it in the past.

But it has sometimes struggled to overcome internal divisions and critics have accused the Istanbul-based organization of being out of touch, overly influenced by Turkey, and not fully representative of the opposition.


Visiting Abu Dhabi to meet United Arab Emirates officials, Sida did not say when exactly a transitional government might be formed, telling a news conference in the early hours of Sunday that he had discussed the idea with Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan, UAE's foreign minister.

The SNC has set up two committees to discuss the idea; the first will communicate with the Free Syrian Army, the major rebel military group, while the second will deal with all other opposition groups, said Sida.

Last week, Brigadier General Manaf Tlas, one of the most senior defectors to flee Syria, said he would try to help unite Syria's fragmented opposition inside and outside the country in order to agree a roadmap for a power transfer.

Sida said he welcomed Tlas' defection, but said the general could not be involved in the early stages of organizing a transitional government.

"The dialogue and coordination have to first be with the Free Syrian Army and the various members of the Syrian opposition movements, and after that if there are some roles to be played by members who have defected, then so be it - but with the condition that there is an agreement between the Syrians about that."

Sida also ruled out the possibility of Tlas becoming head of a transitional government. "This has to be a person who can lead a national government and who has been committed to the revolution since the beginning," he said.

(Reporting by Mahmoud Habboush and Maha El Dahan; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syria-snc-mull-transitional-government-within-weeks-092228109.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mali interim president urges unity government - Africa

Dioncounda Traore, interim president of Mali, has moved to stifle Cheick Modibo Diarra, his prime minister, by announcing the creation of new bodies tasked with ending the on-going crisis in the west African nation. In an address delivered on television on Sunday, Traore announced he would be in charge of a High Council of State, lead talks for a unity government himself and create a committee to negotiate with the fighters who currently control the north of the country. The High Council of S...

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Source: http://dailyme.com/story/2012072900002206

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Yesterday's Complextions: Reflextions of Complicated Emotions ...

My husband?s grandmother was waiting for us as we pulled up to the car port of her senior living community.? Still pretty spry for her 90+ year old body she is always elegantly adorned in sharp contrast with the family matriarch who quietly lies dying in her home twenty minutes to the south.? Dressed in a vibrant purple blouse with white capris, her matching purse hung over the front of her walker as she quickly made her way to the car, seeming chipper and thankful for company and the opportunity to go on an outing.? As we drove away my eyes turned back to towards the funeral home across the street, cars filled the parking lot and people filed out.? I found it eerily symbolic of the reason for our trip.

As we drove the same road I had traveled just last week after June?s funeral, grandma told us stories from her youth, explaining that before her family moved into town she had to trim the lantern wicks every single day to keep them from smoking and soiling the house.? She described the way that she ran from room to room turning switches on and off and flushing the toilet when they moved into their home in the town that had electricity and indoor plumbing.? She reminisced about the covered wagon rides that served as the school bus in the olden days and the way they were so bumpy from the rocks in the dirt roads.?? She said that in the winter the bed of the wagon was lined with hay meant to insulate your feet from the frigid air while the wheels were replaced with? wooden skis allowing the wagon to glide along swiftly in the fallen snow.? She made meme giggle when she let out an uncharacteristic ?God Damn It? as she? described the ?school bus driver? and the way he?d swear at the kids and wen she told the story of how she and her siblings tipped over an outhouse one year as a Halloween prank, forfeiting their ability to celebrate it again for several years.? I enjoyed the drive, savoring each words of her stories, both for my children to hear, but also for the appreciation of the life and experiences she was willing to share.

We were headed to a family gathering for her daughter, my husband?s Aunt Bev who, several months ago was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer.? The cancer has already spread to several other spots and she is scheduled for a surgery this week.? As we drove I wondered what it was like for this woman, who is approaching a century of life to be traveling to a gathering of love and support that really was much more likely a final good bye for her child.

As we approached the town and crossed over a marsh like part of the mountain river, my mind retraced the many times I?d traveled this route as a child with my parents to visit my own grandmother.?? Visiting this town is often a painful reminder of the absence of my parents and family in my own life and the reasons for that current void.?? While most days I can busy myself with my current life and focus on the good things that I have, the aching echoes of the past were in the forefront of my conscience, creating a feeling of tension and anxiety to trickle through my veins.? Memories flooded into me and I struggled to keep from screaming out in rage before arriving at the fire hall that was our destination.

?BINGO!?? we all yelled, instead of ?surprise? because Aunt Bev?s love of bingo made it the perfect decoy reason for her to enter hall where a crowd of several dozen people waited in eager anticipation for her arrival.?? The moment she entered the room her face turned crimson and a wave of emotion and tears spilled out of her as she realized her closest family and friends had gathered here for her.? I watched as her daughters struggled not to cry as they embraced her and sat across from her husband, who in his own gruff way, was undoubtedly touched by that moment, struggling with the awkwardness of trying to be stoic but yet knowing his wife was dying.? I had to fight back my own swell of emotions as? I watched as her mother embrace he in a large and uncharacteristically genuine hug, smiling, sharing her affection.? I wondered what Grandma was thinking and feeling knowing that could be one of the last chances she got to touch and hold her daughter.?? The moment was beautiful in its morbid poignancy.

I had never been at the fire hall before but I knew that some where on the walls hung some sort of reference to my own grandfather, Henry Smith.? Dying in the late 1950?s, I never got to meet him, but I?ve often heard stories that he was a kind and respectable man who perished while fighting a fire during the time he was the fire chief.? I struggle to explain why this felt so profound to me, except to say that my family heritage is so clouded by embarrassment and shame. Grandpa?s life and his death has always felt like the bright and shining bit of hope that I could some how rise above the shadows of the violence and madness that have been bequeathed to me.? I gradually made my way around the room scouring the plaques until I found the one that said ?Past Fire Chiefs? and there it was.? Engraved upon a simple tag? it? read ?Henry Smith: 1957-1959.??? A brief two years was all he had until his life had ended.? Then I made my way to a corner in the back of the room where there hung a 1957 photo with portraits of each fire man. ? It was not long before I found him because I knew what I was looking for, as the same portrait hangs on the wall of my mother?s home.? I stood and stared at it for a few moments, trying to figure out what emotion I was feeling when I realized that I have his nose.?? Perhaps the significance of the realization would be more apparent if I shared the fact that my husband has often said that the first thing he noticed about me when we met decades ago, was my ?cute little nose that just barely stuck out beneath my ski goggles.?? My husband who spent the entire drive to the fire hall grimacing in pain, hardly speaking a word, and radiating his hurt and anger as he struggled to contain his emotions all present because of things I?ve done.

I felt? and feel so alone as my brain struggles to comprehend all the emotions that swirled around and in me yesterday.? I was reminded of my grief for June as I drove the same road that I had after her funeral the week before for the purpose of greeting an Aunt who is dying of cancer, while transporting her mother, knowing the woman may never see her child again, while desperately wanting my children to remember fondly their interactions with their Great Grandmother before she dies herself because I never had a chance like that because my childhood was traumatic and abusive , while watching as my husband struggle with some intense emotional pain that is entirely my fault, while driving to my mother?s home town, where I was reminded of the fact that I?ve been estranged from my family for several months because of their insanity and abuse which leaves me with a constant void that just simply always aches,? to enter a fire hall where a picture of my grandfather, who I never met, and who I?ve always thought was my only link to sanity, hung on the wall when I realize that I look like him.

I so badly wanted to reach out to my grandfather, to find some shred of hope and dignity to cherish, but grasping for it felt like I needed to reach across a blazing fire and that there was no way to reach it without getting burnt.?? I feel so desperate for some sort of connection to fill the void within me for the days where the ache of absence of my family hurts more than the damage from their madness. I am just confused by all of this and am frozen in this moment because of the complexity of this.

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Tagged: Cancer, death and dying, Family, Life

Source: http://leighsamuelcannon.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/yesterdays-complextions-reflextions-of-complicated-emotions/

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Malaysian hospital separates conjoined twins

Conjoined 15-month-old twins attached at the pelvis and sharing three legs were successfully separated at a Malaysian hospital in a complex 24-hour operation, reports said Saturday.

The boys, Muaiman and Muaimin Azli, were separated at Hospital Kuala Lumpur in an operation involving a 60-strong medical team, including 19 surgeons and anaethetists, The Star reported.

"With proper rehabilitation, both boys can lead a fairly normal and independent life," Zakaria Zahari, the head of the paediatric surgery at the government hospital was quoted by The Star as saying.

Zakaria said the case was the hospital's most complex so far because the twins shared genitalia and a bladder.

"The sexual and reproductive functions of both twins will be assessed further as they grow," he said.

Both boys are in a stable condition following the July 14 operation. Muaimin will get a prosthetic leg, while Muaiman will keep both of his legs.

"For now, I'm just glad that they are safe," the twins' father, 40-year-old mechanic Azli Sabran, told The Star.

A hospital official confirmed the surgery was successful but could not immediately provide further details.

The twins are the 14th conjoined pair to be separated at the hospital and the 21st in the country, according to The Star.

Zakaria said one in every 250,000 to 500,000 live births in Malaysia, which has a population of 28 million people, involved conjoined twins but not all survived, especially if they were joined at the heart.

Kuala Lumpur Hospital also became the first government hospital to perform a kidney transplant between a married couple with different blood groups in an eight-hour surgery Tuesday, the New Straits Times reported.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/malaysian-hospital-separates-conjoined-twins-055901118.html

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Energy Rush: Bureau of Land Management?s Divided Mission

[unable to retrieve full-text content]In Utah, an obscure branch of a low-profile federal agency wields great influence on local land-use decisions, usually to the benefit of the energy industry.

Source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=f025623afe96f2ceccd90012f85b25b0

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Succeeding With Home Improvement Projects ? Just what You ...

Doing home improvement projects can be difficult, unless of course you decide to plan, in advance, exactly what you need to do. Unexpected surprises, that might catch you off guard, can be avoided through proper planning. Being prepared is the only way that you can accomplish your projects without too many interruptions. We wrote this article to help anyone that is looking at doing a home improvement project. These tips will help you properly prepare.

There are usually requirements when a person wants to update or expand on their home; permits may be one of them. Permits are generally based on the requirements asked for in specific areas. There are areas where you need to maintain a certain look or style that is fitting to their standards. Contractors usually take on this responsibility as part of the bid, but if you do your own work, you will need to tend to it. One of the first orders of business should be to pay for the permits and get them in place.

There simply is no denying about the potential of home improvement to dramatically alter some circumstances is incredible. No one really can adequately address all the different circumstances that could arise with this particular topic. There is a lot, we know, and that is why we are taking a very short break to say a few words about this. This is significant information that can help you, and there is no questioning that. If you continue, we know you will not be disappointed with what we have to provide in this article.

It?s always wise to think about energy efficiency when you plan your home renovations. Even if you are not thinking about selling your home anytime soon; by updating to an energy efficient system you will at least be saving money on monthly expenses. A couple of energy efficient projects to consider may be simply changing your windows out or installing a better hot water heater. Insulation is another place to start when you are thinking about an update. Essentially, the best possible positive influence you could create for your home would be making it more energy efficient.

If you are planning on doing home improvements, you should plan in advance what needs to be done. Getting the job done is something that will be much easier, especially if you take the time to write out exactly what you want to do for your home improvement project. The above tips on planning for your home improvements can help you get the best possible results.

The author is a search marketing and advertising expert ? who writes on numerous home services related matters such as roofing contractors Austin and visit website.

Source: http://www.seositemanager.com/760821/succeeding-with-home-improvement-projects-just-what-you-should-know.html

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Dwarkadelhi Blog ? Desire To Grow to be An Online Advertising ...

Previous Post: Maintaining Your Youngster In School And Researching &nbsp Next Post: Interior Decorating Tips You Must Know About

Making use of the potency of the net is a must in today?s market place. Going online to promote your small business or begin an internet business is a wise choice. This article is loaded with information and facts and concepts on ways you can get buyers for that site and educate others on the professional services you give.

It really is intelligent website marketing technique to increase the plethora of transaction strategies the company web site proposes to its customers. Various settlement systems have distinct costs. Investigation from the business?s area of interest shows which techniques are standard for that business?s products and they should be supported from day one. Much more strange transaction methods that come up via customer opinions, ought to be explored and taken good thing about once they appear rewarding.

Use before and after shots. If your product or service is just one that alterations the look of anything at all at all, make sure you consist of images that show how this procedure took place, and the way well the final merchandise looked. Carrying this out can boost your customer probable, as people almost never see effects prior to they acquire.

Should you have any graphical arts abilities, take into account financing a palm to affiliate enterprises in return for advertising and marketing space. Design and style advertising banners, artwork and layouts for other companies in return for marketing or marketing area on his or her business website. The affiliate marketing business can express their appreciation in a small and simple to recognize blurb on their site.

When advertising and marketing your blog, stay away from exploring the ranking of your respective internet pages for a minimum of the first a few months. Looking into your improvement may possibly cause you to come to be frustrated. Final results tend not to come about right away, and seeing slow-moving improvement may well force you to add in the towel. Just make your mind downward, work hard, after which sign in.

When strengthening an internet marketing campaign, you must strategy it such as a sound strategic business plan. Take time to created some comprehensive notices about how you plan to strategy your advertising and marketing efforts. Establish a number of the basic questions who, what, when, and why and find out the remedy the how.

Consider starting a podcast or website. A good podcast could keep buyers returning to your website regularly to look into the new articles. With a podcast, you let customers to multitask while still seeing and hearing concerning your new products or reviews. This will lead to product sales provided you can keep them coming back.

Nowadays, a lot of people take in their reports and social views over the internet. To ensure that you tend not to lag right behind the competitors, make sure to follow the tips in this article. By using the newest in web marketing techniques, it is possible to ensure your product or service reaches your target audience and provides in a substantial level.


Posted in Entertainment 12 hours, 50 minutes ago at 8:38 pm. Add a comment

Source: http://blog.dwarkadelhi.com/?p=41265

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EYES ON LONDON: Bond, queen, Beatles: Games begin

LONDON (AP) ? Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you:



Finally: The Beatles make an appearance in the story of Britain. Which begs the question: What would John Lennon think of all this? Would he love it or skewer it?

He'd probably manage to do both at once.

? Ted Anthony ? Twitter http://twitter.com/anthonyted



So far a lot of the British cliches have come out, but they have been subtle. The NHS, the worker, the British nanny and Mr. Bean. It is a reflection of all things British but it is also a way of telling the world what we gave them.

Of course, we wouldn't boast. But a little reminder now and again doesn't hurt.

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



The queen sure knows how to draw a crowd. As she allegedly parachuted down to Olympic Park, a mad rush of those outside the stadium ensued.

Observers sprinted to the area, hoping to catch a glimpse.

"It's the queen!"

Alas, "she" landed too far away to be seen by most outside the arena.

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APkrawczynski



In Britain, you'll often hear gripes about waiting lists, wards and distant dates for operations. But don't read too much into that. There's little the country cherishes more than its National Health Service ? introduced as a free health care system after World War II. That tribute just now at the opening ceremony will have gone down very well in the UK.

? Ian Phillips ? Twitter ? http://twitter.com/phillipsian



Rarely in any forum but the Olympics is an entire country distilled in one performance. In short: You don't usually see medieval farmers, National Health Service nurses, James Bond and an evil "Harry Potter" character in one place. Plus: Molten metal and Mary Poppins. How do you choose from more than a millennium of history? What important stuff gets left out?

? Ted Anthony ? Twitter http://twitter.com/anthonyted



Some of the nurses dancing in this segment of the opening ceremony aren't just dancers. They're ... nurses.

? Danica Kirka ? Twitter ? http://twitter.com/danicakirka



The crowd went absolutely wild at "Good Evening Mister Bond." If there are two things that many Britons love right now it is the Queen and James Bond. Put them together and you are on a winner. More surprisingly I cannot remember the Queen

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



A technologically savvy volunteer worker did his best to circumvent not having a ticket to the big show.

He stood just across the bridge from the stadium and streamed the ceremony on his cell phone. A crowd of six more disenfranchised workers quickly gathered around him.

"That's 10 a piece please," Timothy Harris joked.

Thank heaven for technology. He worried his power may run out before the show ended, so he was lining up others for potential replacements.

As the helicopters lowered the glowing rings into the stadium everyone oohed and awwwed.

"That is fantastic," Harris said. "Well done guys."

So close, but so far away.

"It's seriously sad," one woman said.

?Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APkrawczynski



This is really showing the unique story of Britain and Britons. A mix of humble workers and aristocracy. It isn't over the top; it is understated yet somehow powerful.

Brits don't like to overplay things. The silence of the narrative says everything that needs to be said.

And yet: I just noticed that my foot has been beating the rhythm this whole time.

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



It is really incredible to see the transformation into an industrial society. So shocking. It must have been like this for the people of rural England in some way, really. It was all happening so quickly. Things familiar, then suddenly so dark. And scary.

? Danica Kirka ? http://twitter.com/danicakirka



A group of 10 Nigerians didn't let a few rain drops, or the fact that they didn't have tickets to the opening ceremony, dampen their spirits.

They laughed, danced, clapped their hands and sang songs near the entrance to Olympic Park.

They yelled in unison: "We represent Nigeria!"

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://twitter.com/APkrawczynski



The first song, Jerusalem, is often used when England needs its own anthem. God Save The Queen is actually the British National Anthem. This is a real nod to England, but there's a lot of Irish, Welsh and Scottish imagery on show too.

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



The Clash. The Sex Pistols. Lily Allen. Pink Floyd. London's Olympics open with a fast-moving montage of the UK that immediately summons the musical tradition of the past generation of British music. "God save the Queen," sing the Sex Pistols. The music moves on before the second line: "She ain't no human bein'."

? Ted Anthony ? Twitter http://twitter.com/anthonyted



The 2012 London Olympic Games have begun.



The scene moments before the ceremony begins: The sheep and other animals are leaving. The cameras are still flashing. Around the stadium people in old-fashioned clothes are playing rugby. Besides football (as we call it here) rugby is one of the most popular team sports in Britain. And we invented it.

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



Brits are a little stubborn by nature. The part of the proceedings labelled "Audience Training" where they are told what to do is interesting because they are really throwing themselves into the practice tasks they are being given.

They'll be controlling big bouncy balls thrown into the stands and passing large silk sheets over their heads.

The final word from the people giving instructions: "DO participate."

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



Behind Olympic Stadium lies a staging area for some participants in the opening ceremony. They gather and hear an encouraging organizer yell through a megaphone: "Break a leg!"

Then they walk a bridge over the River Thames and into the stadium. It's quite a breathtaking entrance for the biggest show on the planet, and some just have to let out primal screams as they prepare for their big moment.

?Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APkrawczynski



The emcee in Olympic Stadium is cracking jokes about the weather: "We need the rain! It wouldn't be the London Olympics without rain!"

? Cassandra Vinograd ? Twitter http://twitter.com/cassvinograd



It just had to happen. It's started to rain inside the Olympic Stadium

"Don't worry! Don't worry! It's only a little flat rain," said an organizer through a megaphone as a group of performers dressed as milk maids started to pick up the pace on the way inside.

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://twitter.com/APkrawczynski



The animals have just come into the stadium. That is 70 sheep, 12 horses, 10 chickens and nine geese. One of those horses is a shire horse. The music is starting to build and there are camera flashes all around the stadium. What will the animals make of that?

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



They've come from all over for these games and this opening ceremony. Fans seen filing into Olympic Stadium wearing the colors of Canada, Mexico, Poland, Italy, Russia, Germany, Brazil and seemingly all points in between.

That includes the most well-represented nation, of course: Team GB.

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APkrawczynski



There's been so much talk about the British weather and if rain would spoil the opening ceremony. Well, it's still anyone's guess.

AP's John Krawczynski, outside the main stadium in Olympic Park, says: "It's cool with a light breeze and no rain. But it does feel as though it could rain at any moment."

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://twitter.com/APkrawczynski



The atmosphere is absolutely electric. We have already had a few attempts at doing the wave. Crew members in white coveralls and painter hats are parading these clouds around the stadium. Music up. Cheers up. scenes playing on the screens of past Olympians and young kids.

? Danica Kirka ? Twitter http://twitter.com/danicakirka



Security lines, or lack thereof, are moving easily at the Olympic Park. It does feel a bit like stumbling onto a military base ? fresh-faced young soldiers in uniform are everywhere, and every single X-ray machine and scanner is manned by soldiers rather than other organizing committee staff.

So many soldiers that some are just standing around, waiting for a crushof spectators that has not yet materialized.

? Cassandra Vinograd ? Twitter http://twitter.com/cassvinograd


EDITOR'S NOTE ? "Eyes on London" shows you the Olympics through the eyes of Associated Press journalists across the 2012 Olympic city and around the world. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item, and get even more AP updates from the Games here: http://twitter.com/AP_Sports

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eyes-london-bond-queen-beatles-games-begin-210542262--oly.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe Shames The NPP | VibeGhana.com

By Margaret Jackson


For the very first time in many, many years I could not believe what I was reading. And to make sure that I was reading the correct thing I had to re-read the article to ensure that I got the information or facts right. And the other thing I did was to make sure that my eyes were not deceiving me about the writer of that article titled, ?Akufo-Addo Should Not Have Encouraged Great Cape Greed.?

Dr. Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Associate Professor of English, Journalism and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York is a known columnist by many Ghanaians especially those who love to read feature articles on political, economic and social issues about Ghana. His thousands of articles are mainly littered on multiple Ghanaian websites and everybody knows where his heart is as far as political party affiliation is concerned.

To make the story even juicier, Okoampa-Ahoofe is the darling of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), who defends Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, NPPs Presidential Candidate for the 2012 elections on any given day. I have never read any article of his that he has ever raised a finger on Akufo-Addo. In fact, as a citizen of Akyem and someone related to Akufo-Addo, the Associate Professor has adopted the see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil attitude on any issue bothering on Akufo-Addo.

And to the amazement of everybody, Okoampa-Ahoofe has done his bit of defense of Akufo-Addo on everything very religiously. You will not want to read the hateful and terrible comments that people spew on Okoampa-Ahoofe?s articles but this Akufo-Addo Diaspora Soldier has soldiered on to the astonishment of even NPP supporters. He had never been bothered by any insults on any article as far as the article is promoting or guarding the tainted image of Akufo-Addo.

Therefore, if for the very first time you read an article in which Dr. Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., the brash defender of Akufo-Addo, is questioning the judgment of Akufo-Addo on the unending story of Judgment Debt Controversy that seems to have engulfed the country since November 2011, it gives you the biggest cause for concern. I can say with all certainty that Okoampa-Ahoofe will be the very last man standing for Akufo-Addo; therefore, if he has dared to criticize him on the judgment debt saga, then it is very obvious that Akufo-Addo has indeed crossed the line.

Barely a week ago, Nana Akufo-Addo, who has been junketing around the country slamming the NDC government on the Woyome saga and even stated emphatically and multiple times that he will never allow anything ?Woyome? in his dream government, got the rudest shock of his life when he was exposed at a press conference organized by the government and addressed by Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Deputy Information Minister, that Akufo-Addo wrote a letter dated October 3, 2011, recommending that the Ministry of Finance should pay about $1.3 Million to the Great Cape Company of Switzerland for the wrongful termination of a contract to supply clinker to the Ghana National Procurement Agency (GNPA). The incident occurred under the erstwhile General F. W. K. Akuffo?s led Supreme Military Country regime in 1978. To buttress this revelation, a copy of the letter written by Akufo-Addo was produced at the press conference.

But the NPP immediately jumped on the revelation slamming it as nothing to write home about. Whilst somebody even stated that the NDC government ?scored an own goal? in their futile attempt to rope in Nana Akufo-Addo in the judgment debt saga, other NPP folks decided not to talk about the double standard and shameful behaviour of Akufo-Addo but rather decided to mock the Information Minister, Fritz Baffour, for introducing Ablakwa during the press conference.

Therefore, for about a week now, the NPP folks who have been feeling the heat of the role played by Akufo-Addo in the Great Cape Company story have not offered any credible reason/s as to why Akufo-Addo did what he did, whilst Akufo-Addo, as usual has also been mute on that issue. You know very well that Akufo-Addo never talks about any issue concerning him.

But Okoampa-Ahoofe, NPP Chief Defender has a different take. Now hear him in his own words, ?Now, where Nana Akufo-Addo?s error in judgment comes up regards the official letter that the now-presidential candidate of the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) is alleged to have written to the extant Minister of Finance, asking for a payment to be made to the Great Cape Company. One professionally expects that in 2001, as Ghana?s newly-appointed Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Nana Akufo-Addo?s aforesaid letter had been duly copied to the plaintiffs. If so, then the former NPP-MP for Akyem-Abuakwa South ought to have flatly refused to ?authenticate? the same letter to Dr. Nat Tanoh, the local representative of the Great Cape Company ten long years later!?

Okoampa-Ahoofe continues, ?In other words, other than doing so purely on the informal basis of friendship ? or something clearly bordering on the extra-professional ? Nana Akufo-Addo ought not to have written his October 3, 2011 letter, allegedly seeking to authenticate his original letter of more than a decade earlier.?

This is what the NPP folks cannot seem to understand and are beating about the bush rather than venturing into the bush and taking the bull by the horn by saying that what Akufo-Addo did was wrong. The NPP cannot say this because the Woyome issue is part of their campaign message so openly saying that Akufo-Addo was dead wrong in writing the letter will knock off their so-called Woyome campaign message.

Now Okoampa-Ahoofe has shamed the NPP by pointing out that what Akufo-Addo did was wrong and his article would be further proof that what the NDC exposed concerning Akufo-Addo was the right thing to do. You cannot continue to slam something and be exposed for doing something related to the same thing and say that yours is no big deal.

The NPP can run but they cannot hide. They can weave and even adopt the rope-a-dope strategy which they have used effectively in the past but they cannot run away from the fact that Akufo-Addo is equally guilty when it comes to judgment debt payments. If Akufo-Addo is not guilty, why is that it is his hirelings who are defending him whilst he is completely quiet about the issue.

Akufo-Addo must prove to Ghanaians that he is his own man by coming out to say why he did what he did on the Great Cape Company debt issue. He is gradually becoming a wanna-be president who cannot talk about any controversy he has been implicated. Ghanaians should take note that if Akufo-Addo even today cannot address any issue concerning him, what then will happen if we mistakenly vote him into power and something dreadful happens.



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Source: http://vibeghana.com/2012/07/27/kwame-okoampa-ahoofe-shames-the-npp/

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Anti-Gay Chick-fil-A Denies Impersonating Teenage Girl on Facebook, ?Same Sex Kissing Day? Protest Proceeds

3832210630_3218e2f77dProudly anti-gay fast food chain, Chick-fil-A, is denying accusations that it created a fake account of a teenage girl, who defended the restaurant chain through comments on its Facebook page, after a boycott from one of its suppliers. Savvy users ousted the ringer account, "Abby Farle," by proving that her suspiciously wholesome picture was actually a stock image, appropriately named " Pretty Redhead Teenager Isolated on White Smiling Stock Photo". Chick-fil-A flatly denied "impersonating a teenager", but this hasn't stopped nation-wide calls for a (surely entertaining) "kissing day" protest inside of Chick-fil-A's stores on August 3rd.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/34Xer702Nbc/

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Knee-deep Woes: Flood Damage and Its Impact on Floors

Houses all over the world are prone to several types of devastation caused by the weather elements. Aside from exterior wreck that may be caused by the elements, like dust, wind, and radiation, overwhelming weather can harm even the interior of the home, specifically by means of surging. The floor surface suffers harm as well because of floods during severe weather conditions.

While floor coverings usually go unnoticed, they are significant components of the house. Floor surfaces can be formed of different materials as well such as wood or stone. Many are carpeted. Stone floor coverings can either be tiles or brick pavers. Wooden flooring can be wooden parquet floor coverings and wood tile flooring surfaces.

Floods and water damage have various outcomes on different types of floor coverings. Water damage results in blotches which usually do not lose moisture sufficiently, and this evolves into unsightly mold and water spots. On hardwood flooring, water damage normally causes warping, uneven coloration, cupping, and even peeling of the wooden surface. Ceramic tiled floor coverings live on, but water seeps in between unevenly installed floor tiles or by means of pockets between floor tiles. Carpets do not make it through at all. Carpets generally have a semi-permanent spot on the place where liquid dropped.

Other than water, flooding can also carry stuff to your house. These may be frank, weighty things like tree trunks, swept-up home appliances and furnishings, and more. These can crack, scratch, and scrape your valuable floors. If you have wood flooring, stuff like these can even make large slots into them, decimating your floor surface immediately.

No state is flood-proof. As shown in reports, China with the Yangtze River and even England and the Netherlands are all prone to floods. Vancouver, in Canada is no exclusion. The Fraser River, which empties into the Strait of Georgia, is at risk of flooding as well. In case there is water damage Vancouver homes endure, there are people homeowners can turn to for support.

You will find repair firms that do flood restoration Vancouver citizens need. These are corrections for Vancouver homes which floors have to be reconditioned. Floods bring about various spots and mold damage that only a experienced assistance can clear, and contacting pros to do so is a smart selection.

Flooding victims should not hesitate to call on water damage restoration Vancouver services. These services carry out restorations professionally and will assist in giving floors their former sparkle and appearance. To find out more, please check out ehow.com/how_115428_repair-water-damaged.html and personalinsure.about.com/od/preventio1/a/aa052007a.htm.

For more details, search water damage Vancouver, flood restoration Vancouver, and water damage restoration Vancouver in Google for related information.

Keywords: flood restoration vancouver, water damage restoration vancouver, water damage vancouver

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