Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tom Cruise's Former Scientology Auditor: Katie Holmes Agrees Not to Blame Church For Split, ?Gets Control Over Suri?s Education?

The man who once served as Tom Cruise?s Scientology auditor is predicting that the actor?s divorce agreement with Katie Holmes will ensure she doesn?t blame Scientology for their breakup ? and give her custody of their daughter, Suri.

On his blog Sunday, Mark ?Marty? Rathbun wrote that Holmes will surely sign ?a document that indicates there is to be joint/equal custody of the daughter of Tom and Katie. ?However, there will be a side agreement (that will sit locked up in their lawyer?s safes) that gives Katie sole custody, control over education, and some visitation rights to Tom.?

So far, one of Rathbun?s predictions has been proven correct: in the same July 8 post, he said that Cruise would ?aggressively and intensively negotiate the [divorce] case to settlement.?

Early Monday afternoon, just two weeks after they separated, the couple announced that they had, in fact, reached a divorce agreement.

Rathbun says he audited Cruise in 2001 just after he?d separated from Oscar winner Nicole Kidman; Scientologists claim the process of auditing clears negative influences?in order to heighten spiritual awareness and access untapped potential. Rathbun?left the Church of Scientology in 2004 and now offers counseling to former church members.

In his blog post, Rathbun also stated that Holmes will sign a document ?that indicates that Scientology was never an issue nor consideration in the filing for divorce.?

Any such declarations would support utterances from an unnamed Cruise source who last week told TMZ: ?She [Katie] was totally committed to Scientology. She had enthusiasm for it and would voluntarily and gladly participate in it when Tom was off shooting movies. This is not a fight over religion. It?s being used as a way to hurt Tom.?

But Rathbun?isn?t buying it ? and says Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige is behind those statements.

?As to the claim that they are so suprised [sic] because Katie only expressed ?love? for Scientology, that is right out of Miscavige?s well-worn strategy to use pressured, documented, positive utterances (called success stories) against former members in the following wise,? he wrote.

?Those success stories are the first thing that are mustered and organized for defense when a former member sues or speaks ill of Scientology Inc. to the media. Miscavige has Scientology Inc lawyers and hacks wave about previous success stories and claim that Scientology Inc. is shocked the person who wrote such stories has ?suddenly? had a change of heart.?

Rathbun ? who calls Miscavige?the ?Scientology Inc. cult leader? ? also criticized Cruise?s lawyer Bert Fields last week for suggesting that Holmes was intentionally orchestrating the international media storm swirling around the divorce.

?Has Katie Holmes made a single utterances [sic] publicly about the divorce in the past week? ?No,? he wrote. ?Yet, the august, venerable Bert Fields snidely claims as a fact that Katie has been working the media against poor Tom.

?Miscavige ? loves the victim card and when his back is against the wall he always plays it, and plays it well. ?He has, and will, pay untold sums of money to orchastrate [sic] the apparancy that he and Scientology Inc. were the victims.?

Miscavige will?also pay handsomely to buy Holmes? cooperation, according to Rathbun.

The terms of the Cruise/Holmes settlement will be obtained at ?an astronomical price (Miscavige may even need to dip into Scientology Inc?s war chest to help pay the price),? Rathbun said in his post.

?The scenario I predict (buy silence at any price) ?He has been doing it for thirty years. ?The price to accomplish it keeps getting higher. While the price will likely be in a whole new strata when it comes to Katie Holmes, Cruise and Miscavige have plenty of cheese in their Scientology Inc. war chest to pull it off.?

Source: Getty

Source: http://www.celebuzz.com/2012-07-09/tom-cruises-former-scientology-auditor-katie-holmes-agrees-not-to-blame-church-for-split-%E2%80%98gets-control-over-suri%E2%80%99s-education%E2%80%99/

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