Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 Things About Being a Solo Entrepreneur That I Learned from My ...

This summer I have not been visible here or on Facebook. No excuses. Frankly, I got frustrated. After building up a reasonable amount of content to teach people how to create fan pages, it all chan

ged one day when Facebook announced a complete new format.

Then I realized that all of the work I had put into creating the videos and tutorials would have to be completely recreated. And, unlike some of the gurus, I didn?t have a whole lot of staff, virtual or otherwise, to help me.

So I stepped back?

I needed to talk to someone about blogging and building an online business. Someone who?d been through this kind of thing and could give me some sound advice.

But, when you live in a small seaside town, most folks don?t know what a blog is let alone building an online business.

Luckily, I had already picked up a couple of consulting gigs, so that kept me pretty busy. And, I was still reading all of my fav blogs online, listening to podcasts and taking in some great free webinars about social media in my free time.

Then I stumbled upon Tina Williams and Maria Gudelis of Keep It Real Media. Let me tell you these two ladies have a lot of kick butt energy, know how to have a good laugh and not only teach social media, but do this stuff everyday. But, more about them in another post.

Two things they said really resonated with me.

?If not now, when?? and, ?Success leaves clues.?

Wow, it just kind of hit me. What was I putting off? Plenty of solo entrepreneurs have hit a bump in the road. You have to make a decision to move forward. And there were clues all around me of online success, what has worked for others and what they?ve done to create their own success.

So, I took another look at some of the people I?d been following online.

I realized that each and everyone of them were actually leaving me clues about how to get started and take the next step with my business. They didn?t know it, but reading their blogs and personal stories had made them my mentors. I just hadn?t been listening very well.

Once I dialed in to all they were sharing with me, here?s what I heard.

  1. We have all started with little more than a passion, an idea of what could be and a vision for what we want in life.
  2. Being a solo entrepreneur is full of ups and downs, good times and not so good times.
  3. Thee is no magic, just really hard work and a passion for what you do to get your through the tough times.
  4. Learn from mistakes, tweak what doesn?t work and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just move on.
  5. You don?t need to please everyone. Instead, you need to be authentic and build a community of people you like and enjoy working with and, over time, they will help you build your business.

So, I thought I should say thank you to my unknowing mentors and share them with you.

Ana Hoffman of Traffic Generation Cafe. This lady is considered one of the foremost experts when it comes to generating traffic to your website. Ana is also one of the first online marketers I started reading. I just love her down to earth approach on a topic that, quite frankly, can be more geeky than even I can handle sometimes. Lately, Ana, like so many others has actually been sharing her monthly income and expenses from blogging. It?s amazing to see what the real online life looks like from the inside.

Jo Barnes of The Social Networking Academy. I found Jo a couple of years ago when I was trying to figure out how to start a fan page. This lady delivers amazing, high energy, fun packed webinars. Jo?s Social Networking Academy was actually the first full study course I ever signed up for and I?m proud to say that she guided me along my first online endeavor, Easy Fan Pages. Jo taught me the importance of maniacal focus when it comes to being successful. One platform, one well defined niche / topic and a vision and you too can be on your way to building an online business.The Social Networking Academy

Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur. Natalie is one of my more recent finds. I spent an entire evening recently listening to her podcast interviews she has done with other nomads of online business. Each 30 minute interview is full of information about getting started in business while traveling the world. Besides some great inspiration, there?s good recommendations about tools these folks use to run their businesses. Natalie has an infectious laugh and isn?t afraid to share her own trials of running a business as a solo entrepreneur while traveling the world. Even if you don?t aspire to a nomad?s life, you?ll find gold in her blog and podcasts.

These are only 3 of the many blogs I read ? and yes, there are a number of men on that list too. But each of these women have touched me in a special way and, without getting too corny here, I owe them a debt of gratitude for their help and support.

So, even if you live in a small seaside town like I do where most people don?t even know what you?re talking about when you say blog, you can have mentors that will provide you with inspiration and support.

Some of the greatest people I?ve never met I?ve found on the internet.

Now it?s your turn.

Is there someone who has filled you with inspiration or provided you that little extra bit of help when you?ve needed it? Go ahead, leave a comment and tell us who they are and why they are important to you.


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This summer I have not been visible here or on Facebook. No excuses. Frankly, I got frustrated. After building up a reasonable amount of content to teach people how to create fan pages, it all changed one day when Facebook announced a complete new format.

Then I realized that all of the work I had put into creating the videos and tutorials would have to be completely recreated. And, unlike some of the gurus, I didn?t have a whole lot of staff, virtual or otherwise, to help me.
So I stepped back?
I needed to talk to someone about blogging and building an online business. Someone who?d been through this kind of thing and could give me some sound advice.
But, when you live in a small seaside town, most folks don?t know what a blog is let alone building an online business.
Luckily, I had already picked up a couple of consulting gigs, so that kept me pretty busy. And, I was still reading all of my fav blogs online, listening to podcasts and taking in some great free webinars about social media in my free time.
Then I stumbled upon Tina Williams and Maria Gudelis of Keep It Real Media. Let me tell you these two ladies have a lot of kick butt energy, know how to have a good laugh and not only teach social media, but do this stuff everyday. But, more about them in another post.
Two things they said really resonated with me.
?If not now, when?? and, ?Success leaves clues.?
Wow, it just kind of hit me. What was I putting off? Plenty of solo entrepreneurs have hit a bump in the road. You have to make a decision to move forward. And there were clues all around me of online success, what has worked for others and what they?ve done to create their own success.
So, I took another look at some of the people I?d been following online.
I realized that each and everyone of them were actually leaving me clues about how to get started and take the next step with my business. They didn?t know it, but reading their blogs and personal stories had made them my mentors. I just hadn?t been listening very well.
Once I dialed in to all they were sharing with me, here?s what I heard.
We have all started with little more than a passion, an idea of what could be and a vision for what we want in life.
Being a solo entrepreneur is full of ups and downs, good times and not so good times.
Thee is no magic, just really hard work and a passion for what you do to get your through the tough times.
Learn from mistakes, tweak what doesn?t work and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just move on.
You don?t need to please everyone. Instead, you need to be authentic and build a community of people you like and enjoy working with and, over time, they will help you build your business.
So, I thought I should say thank you to my unknowing mentors and share them with you.
Ana Hoffman of Traffic Generation Cafe. This lady is considered one of the foremost experts when it comes to generating traffic to your website. Ana is also one of the first online marketers I started reading. I just love her down to earth approach on a topic that, quite frankly, can be more geeky than even I can handle sometimes. Lately, Ana, like so many others has actually been sharing her monthly income and expenses from blogging. It?s amazing to see what the real online life looks like from the inside.
Jo Barnes of The Social Networking Academy. I found Jo a couple of years ago when I was trying to figure out how to start a fan page. This lady delivers amazing, high energy, fun packed webinars. Jo?s Social Networking Academy was actually the first full study course I ever signed up for and I?m proud to say that she guided me along my first online endeavor, Easy Fan Pages. Jo taught me the importance of maniacal focus when it comes to being successful. One platform, one well defined niche / topic and a vision and you too can be on your way to building an online business.The Social Networking Academy
Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur. Natalie is one of my more recent finds. I spent an entire evening recently listening to her podcast interviews she has done with other nomads of online business. Each 30 minute interview is full of information about getting started in business while traveling the world. Besides some great inspiration, there?s good recommendations about tools these folks use to run their businesses. Natalie has an infectious laugh and isn?t afraid to share her own trials of running a business as a solo entrepreneur while traveling the world. Even if you don?t aspire to a nomad?s life, you?ll find gold in her blog and podcasts.
These are only 3 of the many blogs I read ? and yes, there are a number of men on that list too. But each of these women have touched me in a special way and, without getting too corny here, I owe them a debt of gratitude for their help and support.
So, even if you live in a small seaside town like I do where most people don?t even know what you?re talking about when you say blog, you can have mentors that will provide you with inspiration and support.
Some of the greatest people I?ve never met I?ve found on the internet.
Now it?s your turn.
Is there someone who has filled you with inspiration or provided you that little extra bit of help when you?ve needed it? Go ahead, leave a comment and tell us who they are and why they are important to you.


Source: http://www.thesavvysolopreneur.com/609/5-things-about-being-a-solo-entrepreneur-that-i-learned-from-my-unknowing-mentors/

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