Friday, May 10, 2013

Food offensive continues: Obama to dine with House Democrats

It's now House Democrats' turn to be wooed by President Barack Obama.

The president is scheduled to have dinner Wednesday night at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington with Democratic leadership and Democratic members of the House?the latest outreach to members of Congress dubbed a "charm offensive" by Beltway insiders.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn of South Carolina and Reps. Xavier Becerra of California, Joe Crowley of New York, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Mike Thompson of California will be in attendance.

Obama has been hosting dinners and other outings with lawmakers in an effort to push his policy agenda as Congress debates immigration, budget issues and other legislation.

The president on Monday played a bipartisan round of golf with two Republican senators?Bob Corker of Tennessee and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia?and Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado as part of this effort.

Republicans won that match, aided by Chambliss' surprise hole-in-one on the 11th.


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