Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness writer apologises for underwear scene

Damon Lindelof, the writer of Star Trek Into Darkness, has apologised for a "gratuitous" scene during the new sci-fi sequel in which British actor Alice Eve appears in her underwear.

Lindelof, who is also the co-creator of Lost, took to Twitter after fans pointed out the unnecessary nature of the offending segue, in which science officer Carol Marcus strips down to a bra and knickers while preparing to pull on a special torpedo disarming outfit.

"I copped to the fact that we should have done a better job of not being gratuitous in our representation of a barely clothed actress," he wrote, adding: "We also had Kirk shirtless in underpants in both movies, [but I] do not want to make light of something that some construe as misogynistic. What I'm saying is I hear you, I take responsibility and will be more mindful in the future."

Lindelof's follower Kristen McHugh summed up the general response to the scene when she wrote: "I kinda enjoyed that Dr Marcus told Kirk (and the audience) to put their eyes back in their heads. But overall: less male gaze, more speaking and non-object roles for women, please." User Devon Faraci wrote: "You had [Kirk] shirtless both times in situations where it made sense. Carol's scene was gratuitous."

However, another of Lindelof's followers, Mark Newbold, wrote: "I can't tell if you are being serious or tongue in cheek. I hope the latter. Trek is supposed to be sexy and randy, it always was." And user Chris Blohm added: "Damon, please don't feel as if you have to skimp on future Kirk/underpant situations because of this."

Damon also appeared sheepish in an email to MTV on the subject. "Why is Alice Eve in her underwear, gratuitously and unnecessarily, without any real effort made as to why in God's name she would undress in that circumstance?" He asked. "Well there's a very good answer for that. But I'm not telling you what it is. Because... uh... MYSTERY?"


This comes after the recent quote from the film's costume designer, Michael Kaplan, explaining why the shot was included in the film:

Last time, Zoe needed to wear underwear, and this time it was Alice Eve's turn. You know, it's a rather large male fanbase, and JJ wanted to appeal to that.

Source 1
Source 2


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