Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Prediction: Black conservative senator will help GOP's cause

A conservative political scientist professor says the appointment of Congressman Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the Senate should benefit two other South Carolina Republicans who are expected to face tough re-election battles in 2014.

Tim Scott is a conservative black?Republican -- a resource that the GOP will undoubtedly utilize in the next two years in an effort to overcome accusations by Democrats that it is a party of "angry white men." ( See earlier article)

Dunn, Charles (Regent Univ.)Dr. Charles W. Dunn is the distinguished professor of government at Regent University and taught at South Carolina's Clemson University for more than a quarter of a century.

"This will mean a Republican from the heart of the old South, a black member of the Senate," he says of Scott. "That is of great significance to the nation."

Dunn believes Scott is going to help the 2014 reelection efforts of fellow South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, and of the person who appointed him to his Senate seat, Governor Nikki Haley.? ?

"Senator Graham, who has some problems with the base of the party in South Carolina, will find this choice helpful," Dunn tells OneNewsNow. "And Governor Haley, who has also had some problems, will find this choice helpful."

Dunn believes Scott is so popular that he will get some support from the heavily black Democratic base in The Palmetto State.


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