Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Secret World : General Discussion : POLL: TSW, GOOGLE, and Investigation Missions

Originally posted by Crazy_Stick

?I find it interesting that those of us that admit to skipping straight to the walk through in posts have something in common. Real life job duties requiring research and problem?solving. I wonder if that will be a common theme?

That's pretty interesting. Personally, I feel the opposite - I'm a software developer by day, so I spend most of my time solving problems, coming up with algorithms and such. I, however, love the investigation aspect of TSW and I only use walkthroughs when I'm absolutely stumped. Then again, I like puzzles in general - I like to do crosswords, play chess etc.?

It's weird and, to be honest, even somewhat depressing to see people considering thinking to be unpleasant or a chore - I guess that's a part of the reason so many MMOs (and games in general) are so dumbed down nowadays. TSW is pretty much the only MMO where the players actually have to use their brain cells (other than, in a different sense, maybe EVE) and I really appreciate that.?

EDIT: I realized my post sounds a bit harsh. I'm not saying anyone who doesn't like investigation missions is dumb or a bad person or anything like that, I'm just throwing a different opinion into the mix. :)


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