Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lustrous-haired women are more attractive

How influential is hair for first impressions of other women? graph of japanese reported on a survey by TIMES-CURRENT into Japanese women?s hair; although the article wanted to draw the conclusion in the headline, I would reckon it is more that women who are attractive put more effort into their hair. The full Japanese-language report may be accessed here.


At some unspecified point in time and by some unspecified sampling methodology, 358 businesswomen and 353 businessmen living within the Tokyo area (Tokyo itself plus Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectures) completed a survey. 33.5% of the women were in their twenties, 33.5% in their thirties, and 33.0% in their forties; for the men, 31.7% were in their twenties, 34.0% in their thirties, and 34.3% in their forties.

I am fortunate that my wife has the traditional Japanese wonderful long straight black hair; well, actually it?s a very dark brown, and she used to get into trouble in school for being suspected of dyeing it?

Research results

Q1: For first impressions of other women, how much of an influence has hair? (Sample size=358, women)

A large influence 58.7%
A little influence 39.1%
No influence at all 2.2%

Q2A: When judging how beautiful other women are to look at, what are the important points? (Sample size=358, women, multiple answer)

Hair (style, colour, luster, etc) 80%
Looks 79%
Skin 74%
Figure 72%
Fashion 49%
Make-up 43%
Other 3%

Q2B: When judging how beautiful women are to look at, what are the important points? (Sample size=353, men, multiple answer)

Looks 84%
Figure 69%
Hair (style, colour, luster, etc) 65%
Skin 40%
Fashion 30%
Make-up 20%
Other 3%

Q3: In total, how many men have declared their love, that they fancy you, etc? (Sample size=358, women)

? Average
Non-lustrous-haired 4.8
Lustrous-haired 5.7

Other figures along the same lines were 2.5 versus 2.8 close male friends and 3.9 versus 4.6 ex-boyfriends, with the larger total being lustrous-haired women.

Read more on: hair,times-current



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